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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/906937-Bunking-the-Truth
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#906937 added March 19, 2017 at 9:09am
Restrictions: None
Bunking the Truth
What is the opposite of "Debunking a Fraud?"

The answer is "Bunking the Truth"

Who in the world, you might be wondering, would want to do that?

The answer is an Intelligence agency of the U.S. Government.

Why would the CIA or the DIA be so inclined?

The answer is to "Damage Control" a leak.

What Kind of Leak?

To explain, I 'll use an example for illustrative purposes. Suppose an astronaut hanging on a tether, took a picture, with an unauthorized camera of three other astronauts, suited up and working in the Space Shuttle's cargo bay. Say two of these astronauts were normal sized and one was nine feet tall. Further suppose that the someone snapping the photo leaked it and somehow the offending image got out onto the internet.

Now nobody is supposed to know that there are Aliens flying around out there, much less aliens working hand and hand with our Secret Space Program. So it's not too great of a stretch to understand why a coverup is in order. Since the "Gatekeepers" can't undo the honest image, then what is the next best thing? You got it...bunking the truth. So the disinformation machine is cranked up for the bizillionth time to preserve the myth that the only intelligent life form operating in our solar system is Human.

This is an example of how a "Truth" gets to be "Bunked."

If you go on line you will see a U-tube video entitled "Nine foot alien photographed in the cargo bay of the space shuttle. (Search UFO, space shuttle, nine foot alien.)

Sure enough, there you see the image. There are two little astronauts floating around and one extremely tall one. Note the title. Sounds to me like a headline from the National Inquirer. Then there is another image that follows which shows a Buck Rogers space craft hovering overhead. Finally we see a big fellow in a Hawaian shirt with a little guy standing next to him being used doer purposes of comparison.

One of these days a photo will be leaked of the moon that shows a radar dome sitting in the middle of a crater. What will the obfuscators do to discredit that photo? I know, in another nearby crater they'll show a pair of yellow McDonalds arches...or a tether of Disney Character balloons, stolen from the Macy's Day Parade.

Now, what is the cumulative effect on the viewer confronted with all this BS? First what he or she sees is something intriguing, that might support other claims that the United States is actually working with Aliens to back engineer off world technology. And then you note the title and see this image of something straight out of Marvel comics... that upon closer examination looks like an amateur playing with photo shop software.

What you conclude is exactly what you're being led to believe... that the picture is a hoax, perpertrated by some UFO loony who is messing with your mind... DARN!...And the photograph looked so real to begin with. I guess it must be the work of an asylum escapee.

This sort of bunking has been going on forever, in an endless variety of forms. Those who practice it firmly believe that lies and deception serve the"Greater Good. For over seventy-five years those who have taken on the role of our National Security Mommie, have been protecting us low information citizens from the truth of extraterresterials... for our own good, mind you. Don't you find that reassuring?

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