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This contains entries to Take up Your Cross, Space Blog, Blog City PF and BC of Friends
#907845 added March 29, 2017 at 9:49pm
Restrictions: None
March 29
"March 30, 2017 Just what it says ** Image ID #2113629 Unavailable ** My Blog signatureJust what it saysJust what it says

Blog City image small

The Blog City Prompt Forum prompt for Wednesday March 29, 2017 is "Emily Bronte wrote "Wuthering Heights." After Emily died, her sister Charlotte rewrote this novel. Would you like someone rewriting your novels after you have passed on? Just curious."


y work is my own. I'd rather it stay that way. If one of my siblings were to rewrite something I wrote after I passed on I believe I would coming back to haunt them. I don't have to worry too much about that because I have no siblings who write at all. They aren't illiterate.They just don't have the interest I have in writing. They have their own worlds to deal with. They don't have time to fool with mine. If they did however I would not want them changing what I wrote.

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs

The Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum prompt for today is "Write about something positive that has happened in your life or city over the past seven days."


have had a lot of positive things happen to me over the past seven days. For one thing I have been alive the past seven days. I could simply never have existed or be dead. I don't like the idea of either of those. I could also be extremely sick and that idea isn't too appealing either. So getting up and facing each day has been a blessing for me. Something else positive that has happened to me is that I have won a few more contests on here. I won Blogger of the Week last week, first place in the Writer's Cramp once or twice, and first place in Stormy's Newsletter Contest. I have also had plenty of food.When you live on my budget you don't take anything for granted but thank God for everything you have. I have also been accepted into a program called "Guitars for Vets". It's a non=profit organization that teaches veterans how to play rhythm guitar. It's a ten week program. At the end of the ten weeks, if I don't miss any classes, they will provide me with a brand new guitar. Not a bad deal I'd have to say. I want to learn to play so I can accompany myself when I'm singing. I sing a lot and have even led singing at my church. When I learn to play guitar, I will play there as well. So a lot of positive things have happened to over the past seven days. I know it sounds a little odd to believe that even breathing is a positive but I thank God for every moment because He is the one who provides them. He meets my every need.

Group signature.

The 30 Day Blogging Challenge prompt for March 29, 2017 is "Some people start making or buying Christmas presents in January and by October they're all wrapped and ready to go. Others hit the shops on Christmas Eve, frantically buying presents for everyone. Which are you? Tell us about the best Christmas present you ever gave anyone."


o be totally honest I don't like Christmas and try not to participate as much as possible. For one thing it isn't a Christian holiday. It has no Biblical authorization. It was adopted by the Catholics to replace the pagan celebration of the winter solstice. So I try to avoid it all together, which is really hard to do. People are such hypocrites that time of year. Why treat others like gold only one month out of the year and screw them over the rest of the year? Why go out and go in debt for stuff you can't afford to give to people who could really not care less? The whole Christmas thing to me is a waste of time, effort, and resources. I'm sorry but that's my opinion. Jesus was not born on December 25. The star of David can be scientifically calculated using astronomy and calculating scientifically where the stars and planets would have been during certain times. Scientific calculations show that the star of Bethlehem first appeared in August 3 BC. Calculating for differences in the Jewish calendar and the Gregorian calendar we use makes the date perfect. The star occurred when a star in the constellation Leo aligned perfectly with both Jupiter and Venus. This caused a "star" to appear in the sky that scientist say would have appeared almost like a second sun. The star reappeared ten months later on June 17, 2 BC. This coincides with the amount of time the magi would have needed to travel from the east, probably Pakistan or Iraq and made it to Bethlehem. So astronomy pretty much eliminates December as the birth date of Jesus. Furthermore there are numerous Biblical clues such as the shepherds being in the field. Anybody who knows anything about Israel knows that would not have occurred in December. The average temperature in December is about 45 degrees so they would not have their sheep out in that. The average overnight temperature plunges even colder.

Another clue is the way Mary dressed the infant. She used light clothing, not unlike the receiving blankets we use now. If it had been December she would have used a heavier blanket.

The final clue is the tax. They were in Bethlehem for taxing purposes. The Romans were harsh but practical. Traveling in the winter would have been much too hard. They would have ordered the tax in spring or summer. So I try not to engage in Christmas, though it makes fodder for writing.
Signature for nominees of the 10th annual Quill Awards

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/907845-March-29