The Saga of Prosperous Snow Continues |
Saturday, April 15, 2017 On this day in 1947, Jackie Robinson broke the baseball color barrier. The "Blogging Circle of Friends " prompt for DAY 1612 Creation Saturday: Use this six words in a poem or story: expressive, auction, cybernetic, genetic, better, false. Cybernetic Poetry Can the Borg write poetry? Can Data create metaphors? Stanza and line celebrating his desire to be human. Can a computer create emotionally expressive odes without the assistance of a human poet? Is poetry created by Artificial Intelligence better or worse then poetry created by a human beings Natural Intelligence? Would a poetry chapbook written by a robot receive a higher auction bid the one composed by a human? Is it true or false that a positronic brain can create passionate poetry? The "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise" prompt for DAY 1128 Lost Pathways--- if you found yourself on a road in the middle of nowhere with a storm approaching, how would you make your escape? What does the storm represent to you? What meaning does the road itself hold? Lost Pathways At midnight The secret of survival is "Do Not Panic!" Life is full of unexpected tests, storm appearing out of nowhere, if panic occurs you are lost without a direction or a solution. In times of storms and trouble pray, but "DO NOT PANIC!" Panic interferes with both faith and intuition; it paralyzes mind, body and soul. |