The Saga of Prosperous Snow Continues |
Sunday, April 15, 2017 Chocolate bunnies In baskets with faux green grass Decorating eggs The "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise" prompt for DAY 1129 The day after Easter is known as Dyngus Day , a Polish celebration marking the end of Lent. Among other things, party goers chase each other around with squirt guns and pussywillow branches and feast on many Polish delicacies like pierogi, kielbasa, and placzek. What are some of the traditions your family takes part in on Easter? Easter Triditions Each family and each Christian sect has their own Easter traditions. I was raised Southern Baptist in a small town in Oklahoma. Every year there was an Easter pageant held at the First Southern Baptist Church down town and one held at the First Southern Baptist Mission in the Smelter Heights. Since Easter always falls on a Sunday, we (my sibling and me) were usually at my Grandparents' house in the Heights, so we attended the pageant held at the Mission. Since Lent was a Catholic celebration and we were Protestants we didn't celebrate Lent. On the Saturday between Good Friday and Easter, there was an Easter egg hunt held by the city. They would hide eggs in the field around the airport, which was across the road from my Grandparents' house. We attend the Easter egg hunt and collected colored eggs. On Easter morning each of us found a fully loaded Easter basket sitting on the kitchen table. Grandma and Grandpa had stayed up on Friday night to fill the baskets so that the next morning we thought the Easter bunny had left it. I'm not sure if I understood the meaning of Easter when I was a child. I knew that it was the day Christ left the tomb, but I'm not sure what that meant to me then. I don't celebrate Easter anymore. The only thing I do on Easter is eat a chocolate bunny. Mom always wanted a chocolate bunny on Easter so even after both of us declared our belief in Baha'u'llah we still purchased chocolate bunnies to eat at Easter. The chocolate bunny reminds me of being with Mom and of the more pleasant events of my childhood. |