Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/911792-A-Place-to-Hide
Rated: 13+ · Book · Activity · #2120055
These are my daily entries for the activity
#911792 added May 26, 2017 at 9:01pm
Restrictions: None
A Place to Hide
green and blue circle used in activities

"Hermione, why are we going to Hogs Head Pub? The Death Eaters can follow us in there!" Ron's panting voice cracked several times as the trio of friends ran through Hogsmeade Village. He looked over at Harry with pleading eyes. "Harry, shouldn't we run the other way. We could probably make it back to Hogwarts and.."

"And what Ron? Umbridge is still there. She's the one who set the Death Eaters after us in the first place."

"Up ahead," Harry beamed. "There's the pub. Let's get a move on."

The three stormed into the quiet pub. Several wizards stopped talking and looked up from the rough wooden tables.

"You kids in a hurry? You're not in trouble are you?" Aberforth, the owner, questioned.

Hermione stepped up to the bar, while the others followed. She put on her best casual smile. "Hello Mr. Dumbledore. Sorry, we just really wanted butterbeer. Three please. We'll be right back for them."

She started walking toward the back of the pub. A brief glance over at the boys told her that they were actually waiting for their butterbeer. "This way!" Hermione whispered a frantic command.

The three took the hall to the staircase, and followed it to the basement. "Hermione, what exactly are we looking for?"

"There's a Room of Requirement somewhere in this basement." She paced by each wall, almost chanting as she focused. Finally, one wall seemed to melt away, and morphed into an arched doorway. "Here it is. Hurry."

The doorway vanished after they entered, as though it knew they needed to stay hidden.

"Hermione," Harry questioned skeptically, "Can't the Death Eaters still find us in here, if they know it's here? They would know that we needed hiding requirements after all."

"We're going to die. This is the end. We're going to be trapped in here!"

Hermione had her wand out. "Ron calm down or I'll stun you with a Stupefy Charm I swear!"

Ron looked stunned already from the young witch's tone, but he managed to mumble. "You're frightening sometimes Hermione. You know that, don't you."

"Focus now, everyone." Harry once again tried to silence the bickering. "We obviously can't stay in here for very long. Let's find something that we could use to get away."

"We need to find the Ring of Disillusionment. It's what I concentrated on when we came in here. We'll get it, we'll go back upstairs, drink our butterbeer so that nobody thinks anything is wrong, and then we'll leave. Once outside, we can use the Ring of Disillusionment to hide us. I've read that it opens up into sort of a secret cave for it's users. We'll be safe inside." Her eyes stared through the many objects with determination while she quickly blurted out the plan.

"Fine. What does it look like?" Harry began to sort through objects along with her.

"I'm not sure. Look for something that resembles a ring of some sort. The room knows we need it, so it will be here somewhere."

The two looked over as Ron fell into a bunch of items, knocking over an expensive looking lamp table. "Ron, what are you doing?" Harry started, but stopped abruptly when we saw what Ron had in his hand.

"Is this it? I spotted something silver that looked like a frisbee with a hole in it, so I dove down to get it."

"That's it Ron!" Hermione ran over and kissed Ron on the cheek, and giggled when she saw that Ron instantly blushed. "Quickly, let's get out of here."

image for the game
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