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Rated: GC · Book · Opinion · #1591550
One writer's journey
#914419 added June 30, 2017 at 9:28am
Restrictions: None
When is it enough???
First, if you haven't seen this, I HIGHLY recommend it.

Now I want to tell you all that that lovely little statement of "Make America Great Again," will indeed be just that once that person is finally out of the White House because whether you believe it or not, he is the one ruining America and its image. No one else.

Never has there been a bigger liar, manipulator, or self-centered President in our history.

I was on Facebook this morning [big mistake] and got into it with a woman who actually believes that America has been 'reeling' for 8 years under Obama. *Headbang* *Facepalm*

Let me just say this loud and clear now. That is a load of bullshit. Never once did we wake up to hear how another country is laughing at us, or that POTUS said something so slanderous that it made us look bad, and there is so much more I could say, but it's redundant at this point.

I'm horrified. Disturbed, and a plethora of other things that I cannot even put into words at this moment.

I am a mother. I worked my ass off to raise sons who respected others, especially women. How anyone, man or woman, could continue to support this 5 year-old on a constant temper trantrum is beyond my comprehension.

How can anyone respect him? Tell me, because I'd like to know.

He doesn't give a shit about America, or making this country 'great again.' If you believe that, then I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you are WRONG.

Want some facts? Do you know what the 6 travel banned countries have in common? Go on, take a guess. Have you figured it out yet? NO TRUMP PROPERTIES. That's it. This has nothing to do with keeping our country safe. Make America Safe again, my ass. What he really means is, Make my pockets overflowing again.

He doesn't care about anyone other than himself. You show me proof that he cares about the American people. Every word out of his mouth is a LIE. He's been caught lying so many times now it's no longer newsworthy. It's commonplace. How sad is that?

If you were ever loved by your mother, wife, sister, female friend ~ then you know women deserve better than this.

Healthcare now is a joke. He is suggesting that they repeal it and wait a year to revisit it. Just another campaign promise broken? Is it really? And by the way, the affordable health care act wasn't failing like he's lead you to believe. Only when he took office has it begun to collapse. That's a fact. Not fake news.

You want fake news. Go watch Fox because they are so full of it, the shit is seeping out of their eyes.

Did you see that interview with Fox news and Trump? How she was praising him for getting Comey to the tell the truth by LYING about having tapes of their conversation. How stupid can people be?

And let's not forget about him dancing in Saudi Arabia looking like a complete moron. Did you see that smile? His investments there must be doing well, the man [and I use the term loosely] was practically drooling.

When are we going to wake up? When is enough enough? He respects no one and most certainly not even the office he holds. We are completely fucked. Period!

I do not want my children to think for one second this kind of behavior is acceptable, because it isn't. How do I fight against it when the one person who should be setting a good example has no damn filter and refuses to do his job because he's too far up his own ass to care?

Sigh. Rant over.

But I'm sure by the end of the day there will something else to bitch about. He makes it too damn easy. God help us all. We are going to need it.

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