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Rated: GC · Book · Opinion · #1591550
One writer's journey
#914719 added July 4, 2017 at 10:11am
Restrictions: None
Prompt: What small, inconsequential things piss you off more than they really should?


Ah time. I get so irritated and annoyed by time that I can actually picture myself strangling the fucking life outta some people. *Shock* I know. I know. Not a good thing. Too fucking bad.

Being late to important events:
I see this as a thing of respect. How damn difficult is it really to show up when you're supposed to? Or at the very least, have the decency to call if you're going to be fucking late. Nothing says I could fucking care less about you and your function than showing up late. Assholes!

Case in point. We had a reception for my son and daughter-in-law to celebrate their marriage. Booked the hall, sent invitations, had to change location and time and recontact everyone, which I did. When I say 6 o'clock and dinner at 7, I mean at 7 I expect you to be at your table so dinner can be served. Not walking through the fucking door at 7 or 7:30, eating and leaving immediately after. That's fucking some rude ass shit. Oh boo hoo your family didn't get to sit together. Maybe you should've thought of that when you showed up a half hour late. And leaving right afterward. Well, that shows you have no damn class and quite the stick up your ass. No worries, when your kids get married I will pay you back for your kindess.

Being late to regular dinners
We have a usual standing Saturday out dinner with friends. I don't mind these night outs. I don't like to cook, so this is a relief for me. After months of being early/on time, R got sick of it and wanted them to see what it feels like to be kept waiting. We were supposed to be there at 7 for dinner. We left the house at 7. Granted it was only a 10 minute drive. We were still the second couple to arrive. What happens? Mr. High School decided he was sick of everyone always being late and got up and left when we arrived, leaving his wife behind. What the fuck! Hey I get it, it's rude to make everyone wait to order dinner because you don't value our time. But leaving because we were late once is fucked up. Rude. Childish. And just fucking stupid. Take that shit out on those who don't give one shit that they make everyone wait.

Being late in general
It's hard to get everyone out the door on time. But I swear to Creator I am the one ready to go and waiting on the men in this house. They are worse than women when it comes to grooming before heading out the door. It's so fucking annoying to me.

If I put in the effort, and value your time and mine, I damn well expect the same in return. I can be a complete asshole and not give a flying fuck about you and your time, but I choose not be that way. Why is this such a difficult thing for people to do?

I don't know when this all happened. Gradually over my lifetime, I suppose, but I can tell you that growing up when we had to be somewhere, we put effort into being on time and leaving early to get there. It's all about showing some fucking respect people. So man up, stop being a dick head and show me that.

Now I know, shit happens, and I allow for that. I probably shouldn't be so pissed off about time, but it's one of my pet peeves. Hell my sister won't even be on time for furneral I bet. That's her thing. It's why I lie to her about what time family gatherings are because I accomodate for her constant tardiness. *Laugh*

Time. Time. Time. Will it ever change? I think not. Until then, I'll just try to keep myself from letting my inner bitch out when people make me wait, make me late, and suck it up. All I can do really. I think perhaps I should join the it's all about me party and then time won't mean a damn thing to me. *Laugh*

~T out


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