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by SarahW
Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2124374
Writing myself into the story
#914971 added July 10, 2017 at 3:24am
Restrictions: None
World building: Day 8, Rainforest economy
Economy and politics are the order of the day. I will need to plan this for both races, which are still being named for their general climate.

Economy - Rainforest folk
Food: local farms throughout the land, very fertile, both horticulture and agriculture. Seafood is also an option, the northern city has a better harbour for fishing, so seafood is more common in the north. Dried fish is exported from the north, as is dried or cured meats. The south also produces meat, though doesn't export as much. Grains and root crops, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, and carrots, are grown more in this area. Green veges are grown throughout, turnips are a northern crop. Berry bushes are abundant.
Alcohol is mainly produced from grains. Beer is the most abundant and cheap alcohol available. A form of beer produced from potatoes is also available. Cider is the next most common. Elderberry wine is a local northern delicacy. Wine from grapes is imported from drier regions.
Specialty foods, such as spices, are imported from the semi-arids. Any crop that requires a dry climate will be imported.
Water is abundant.
Salt is imported to the south. The northern folk tend to get enough for personal use through seafood consumption, but imports salt for curing meats. This salt comes from the semi-arids region.
Timber is abundant, with forestry a key industry, particularly inland from the big lake. Most buildings are timber, though stonework does make for longer lasting buildings.
Stone for building. A number of quarries exist near main settlements, mainly limestone. Granite is found to the northern part of the alpine region, where a couple of volcanoes remain active, as well as a number of extinct ones. The southern alpine region contains marble, which is simply limestone that has been pressurised and undergone metamorphosis, there is one major marble quarry. Schist and slate quarries are also found here. Greywacke is used in poorer quality buildings.
Gold is found in the hills, and dredging is common upstream. It is not hugely abundant, but enough is present for the gold digger to make a living if he sticks at it. There is also enough alcohol for profits to be quickly drunk.
Jade is exported to the semi-arids, but is not considered valuable locally (except as a export commodity).
A number of different fabric types exist. Cotton is abundant, the high water requirements are satisfied by the high rainfall. Flax for linen is imported. Wool and leather are abundant as a by-product of agriculture.
A specialty fabric is sourced from a mountain spider. This spider produces a very strong gauzy thread and is extremely expensive due to the difficult process of manufacturing. Those working in this industry have their own guild and guild secrets.
Weavers, tanners, skinners, leather workers, shoemakers, and tailors are all readily available in the city. Tanneries (and slaughter houses) are relegated to the poorer outskirts of the city due to stink, and skinners tend to work in this area as their resources are here too.
Pottery is imported, and is a major trade good for the semi-arids. Lesser quality pottery is produced locally, but the good stuff is all imported.
Metal work includes iron smithing and smelting, and the smithing and smelting of precious metals. Pins, needles, and wires are some of the smaller items produced. Blacksmiths are highly sought after, both weapon/armour specialists, household specialists (chefs knives and the like), and farm specialists (including horse shoes).
Glass is rare and is imported.

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