ON THE WRITE PATH: travel journal for Around-the-World in 2015, 16, 18. |
Oh... don't even ask... It's 2 a.m. and my flight leaves at 5:40... Who needs sleep... right... RIGHT... It's going to be a looooong-asssss day. Like 23 hours long. Last time I did something this stupid it was Melbourne to Cape Town. Swore I wouldn't do it again... So... Minneapolis then Fort Lauderdale then Port of Spain where I'll sleep on the floor... if they let me... (flashbacks of Los Angeles...) Early flight to Georgetown... like a hummingbird... the mascot of Caribbean Airlines... I'll get there about the same time everyone else does... unless they get caught up in a revolution... I'll be staying at the Hostel Guyana Paradises, which is a good 3 km away from the Marriot... but it's $100 cheaper (I'm cheap... okay? Got a problem with that? Didn't think so...) and it's right by the botanical gardens and zoo! I'm happy. Not sure what our itinerary is... ...it better include some re—lax—a—tion. Or a nap... a nap might do. But I suspect it'll be go-go-go-go-go. Young folks... what can I say. I know some of the group but I haven't met them all in person. Should I be afraid? Be very afraid. Screw the zoo! I'm looking forward to wrestling with these wily writers. I suspect Kit won't be afraid of me though... The others? I'll learn them a thing or two. Peace, Kåre 4 August 2017 1.655 |