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Rated: ASR · Book · Activity · #2127490
The place where I will put my Game of Thrones things
#916810 added August 4, 2017 at 11:16pm
Restrictions: None
Desert Island Week 1 Prompt 1
We watched as the single engine plane took off on the water.
"I'll come back for you two in a couple of weeks. You have the sat phone if you need me sooner. Good luck." The pilot told us as he climbed back into the plane, started up the engine and skidded off the water taking off into the afternoon sun.
We watched it leave the sky, and then gathered up what we had and began to figure out what we were going to do.
"We gotta have shelter to begin with, what did you bring that could help us with that?" Cristen asked.
"I have an ax to help chop down trees and limbs for shelter. We can use the ax also to make weapons for killing animals that are threatening us or spearing fish. What do you have?"
"I brought 100 feet of rope, for repelling down mountains or climbing up trees. We can use it to hold the trees together that we cut down with your ax." Rummaging through our backpacks, "what else do you have?" Theresa wondered. They weren't allowed to bring much but they had talked about what each would bring. Something that would help them out on this long vacation. Both of them figured that if they brought a backpack as their one other item, this other item didn't have to come empty and would help in the long run.
"Of course the paper and pens, lots of pens and paper. Scissors, protein bars, a couple of sets of clothes, a box of matches, a couple of water canteens and I was able to get a two person tent so that we are not sleeping out in the woods or exactly on the ground. What about you?"
"The paper and pens like you. I brought water canteens, clothes, protein bars, a couple of lanterns, a couple of small blankets. Looks like we've got some work cut out for us.

AS we began to search the surrounding beach and wooded area for drift wood we could use for fire, we found a path that lead deeper into the woods. We looked at each other questioningly.
"You want to follow?" Cristen asked wide eyed.
"Sure, we aren't finding much out here." Theresa shrugged. Stepping onto the path before us we carefully followed what we saw as places where there were down trees, and brush that had been moved from the area.
"Where would you like for this place to end up at?"
"You know what would be cool? A five star hotel." Cristen offered enthusiastically. They both laughed at the thought of finding a hotel in the middle of what seemed like a jungle.
After walking for a while, the women came up on a clearing. It was bright, green circle, interestingly enough there was a log cabin in the middle of this circle.
"What? Are you serious?" Theresa remarked
"Hey, I'll take it. Wonder what's in it." We carefully strolled to the front porch and tried the door. Locked. Looking around, there was a key in the nearby flower pot. "This is too, easy."
"I'll take easy," Theresa popped off. "Time in come comfort away from all the electronics and distractions of life." Cristen grinned in agreement.

The key unlocked the door and the two friends walked into the cozy cabin. It was a one room place. Two twin beds neatly made up sat next to each other on one wall on the left, dressers along the same wall. A door to the back of the cabin on the back wall, next to it was four stalls of varying depths. Figured bathrooms. A good size fire place sat in the wall by itself and the kitchen sat next to the door we just entered.
"Holy crap Batman, what is all this?" Cristen wondered taking in the exquisite decor yet rustic look of the place.
"I think it's for us." Theresa replied holding a note. Cristen covered the ground between them quickly and took the note Theresa offered. Reading it, she looked at Theresa bewildered at what their husbands had put together.

Theresa and Cristen,

This cabin is for you two for two weeks. There's food in the fridge and running water. Have fun and be safe.

With Love,
Mark and Nathan.

"Looks like we won't be needing much of our protein bars or tent or lanterns this trip."
"You know we don't have to stay here if we don't want to. Our guys worked hard on this to give us some time to ourselves. While I agree with you that we don't have to use what we brought doesn't mean we don't have to use what we brought."
"Cristen, I swear, sometimes you can be so confusing."
"Theresa, set up the tent and lanterns next to the fireplace. Take the blankets and the pillows off the bed and sleep on the floor."
"Mark and Nathan did go to a lot of trouble for this though."
"We can still eat the food they left us." Her eye brows rose and chin dropped to her chest. "We'll end up each in our own bed anyway, why not try it one night, "roughing" it." She shadowed quotation marks in the air.
"Eh, we'll see." They made themselves comfortable in the cabin. They found two folding tables and used them while they wrote til their hearts content. They finished the novels they had been working on for months revising each other's chapters and asking questions they felt needed to be answered.

Two weeks later, they were ready to go home. The friends had traveled the island, gotten lost together and ended up staying outside for one night. They laughed and found a new kindship in their writing world.

Word Count 959~ without prompt

Game of Thrones 2017 Writing Challenge Prompt 1 WC= 980 with prompt.
Deserted island with one other person, a tool and what else? What happens?
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