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Rated: ASR · Book · Activity · #2127490
The place where I will put my Game of Thrones things
#917705 added August 16, 2017 at 11:01pm
Restrictions: None
Phantom in the Woods HotU
Continuing House Greyjoy tag from Sahara Targaryen (300) way up there long time ago. Tagging Black Bear (Neo) (5) for the continuation from here.

Word count 1251 ENJOY!! post 3118580

“Let me get this straight,” Joey interrupted, you brought slaves in to your farm to help Mitchell so he could move off your farm and start his own. Then Mitchell fell in love with Eliza a slave girl and left Becky and the kids.
“Yea, that’s pretty much it so far.”
“What happened after Mitchell left?”
“Becky, not having anyone she stayed on at the farm and did what she could with the kids in tow. Jeb was the oldest of her boys, he moved away up north I think. He came back and claimed the land still not sure how. I know he stole it though.”
By this time the sky had began to lighten up.
“Come on Robert. Kill’em and let’s be done with them.” The creature popped off moving toward John and Joey.
“Wait, wait. There’s got to be some sort of record as to what happened. Let us go and find more information on what we need to know the truth.” John pleaded. Robert’s eyes burned red again in thought.
“Boys you better find me the truth or you’ll be the next ones murdered. I will come find you.” He immediately stood straight. “Wait, I’ll come with you. I want to make sure what you find is authentic.”
“Robert.” The creature whined.
“Shush,” he ordered. The three walked back to John’s house by dawn.
“Hey Dad, we’re back.”
“You made it just in time,” he cheerfully replied. “How was the camping?” After checking them over, “You have a rough night? Stay up talking all night?” He joked.
“Oh it was fine.”
“Fine,” They supplied together, trying not to sound nervous about the fact that they knew there was a ghost around.
“Ask him.” John heard a whisper in his ear which startled him.
“Uh, Dad, Do you know details on the history of the Parsons and Kingstons?” John asked sitting at the kitchen table with breakfast spread across.
“I don’t know much in the way of Kingstons. I know that we are from a long line of Parsons who took over from another family that died off.” Suddenly a chair shifted in the corner of the room. Jace stared at the empty chair with wide eyes. “Why the sudden interest?”
“Just a school project we are working on. Is there a way to find out our history?”
“The library, or court house would have records. You could start with the ancestry website, that would at least give you names of who you’re looking for.” He offered. Robert slowly stepped through the table focusing on Jace. His eyes became wide.
“He looks like Mitchell, but darker skinned. What is going on here? Is this some sort of trick?” Robert asked puzzled.
“Uh, let’s get that research started, Joey.” John said as he stood and pulled Joey away from his plate. The boys headed off upstairs to John’s room, closing the door behind them.
“Do you think we lost the ghost?” Joey wondered.
“Nope, still here and you’re not getting out this that easy. What’s this ancestry website?” Roberts answered.
“It’s a website that uses the death and birth records of people to create a family tree so that people can keep up with who their family is and where they are. My parents have kept one together for some years I think. My Dad was curious how the story was started and Mom helped him figure some things out. Who knows maybe Dad was the one who started it.” John supplied. Roberts eyes glowed again, though during the day, they looked like two floating dots in the air. John strolled down the hallway to the family office. Sitting down at the desk he turned the computer on and waited. Soon they found the website that housed the family ancestry.
“Let’s see how far back this goes,” he began scrolling through the tree. “Okay, there’s my family, mom’s family, dad’s side of the family is here too. Holy cow, someone has done some extensive research on my family,” he paused and looked up. “Robert you still here?”
“Yea, I’m not going anywhere.” He said startling the boys. “How do you know this is accurate?” He asked suspiciously.
“This has wedding certificates, death certificates and birth certificates, along with census and military records.” John informed.
“I want to know what happened to my land.” Robert became impatient.
“Here’s something.” John clicked on a link on the computer screne. It changed to another family tree. “Oh, crap. Robert your land wasn’t stolen per se. Your land is no longer in your name because you have no heir by name.”
“WHAT!?” He roared as he grew. “You lie! All you Parsons lie!” Fear rose in Joey as he fled the room. John stood looking through and at the ghost that seemed larger than life.
“Robert, look here. You and Shelly only had one child, Robert Jr.” Calming down Robert shrank back to a normal size.
“Yea, Shelly had problems getting pregnant, we didn’t want to try again after him. She died when he was ten. It hit both Robert and I hard. Becky was still reeling from being left, then Shelly died. We found comfort in each other. Shannon and Robert Jr were about the same age.” The memories came flooding back to Robert. “Becky and I never married but were real close friends.”
John sat back in the chair and began searching again. “Close enough to have another child?”
“Only once did we sleep together. Robert Jr found out and thought I was betraying the memory of his mother so he ran off.”
“I wonder what Shannon was thinking. Look here. This says Becky was married to Mitchell then divorced but you have a connection to Becky by way of a daughter Kate Kingston.” John explained.
“God help me. What have I done?” Robert floated through the outside wall to daylight. John opened the window and called him back.
“Robert, your son had a child, Madison Kingston. He appearantly died before having other children. That’s how you lost your land, by name. You technically still have your land by blood but not by name.”
“I don’t believe it. I can’t believe it. It’s just not true.”
“Robert how else can I prove it?”
“Your dad said the court house would have records. Let’s go there.” Robert perked up.
“I gotta get a few hours of sleep, please.”
“Okay, I have to process all this anyway.” John walked to his room, closed the door and fell on his bed asleep.
Meanwhile Robert took this time to look around the house. This was his house, it had been taken care of, updated, change a bit but still had the same feel to it. HE looked at the pictures of the family on the walls and saw a lot of Shannon, Becky and even Shelly. A few of the boys looked like Mitchell, he guessed he could overlook that since they had taken such good care of the land and house. He floated through the rooms to see what had been done to them. He floated outside to other parts of the property to find out what time had done. He found most of the surrounding area over grown. A couple of hours later he returned to to the main house finding John still asleep he woke him.
“Come on John, let’s go. I want to know what happened to my land.”
“Seriously, Dad. Let me sleep.” John moaned, rolled over and got comfortable.

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