Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/917865-Week-3-Prompt-2--The-Ruins-of-Kasic
Rated: ASR · Book · Activity · #2127490
The place where I will put my Game of Thrones things
#917865 added August 18, 2017 at 10:57pm
Restrictions: None
Week 3 Prompt 2 ~ The Ruins of Kasic
"What, Gran, what is it?" She had picked up a long necklace with a garnet in the center, surrounded by small diamonds. As the necklace continued there were smaller garnet settings with diamonds that matched the larger in the middle, these went half way up the necklace. It was exquisite. She held it up to the light.
"Just as I remembered it. I hid this necklace in the palace just before the exile." Her hands shook as memories flowed through her mind like a rushing stream over soft bed of rocks. Tears pooled at the corners of her eyes.
"Excuse me, maam, please put that back on the table. Visitors are not supposed to touch the exhibits. There are signs." The young lady announced walking over to Maggie and Cameron.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I just couldn’t help myself. I recognize this piece.” Maggie replied nervously, and gently setting the necklace where she found it on the table. “Could you tell me who oversees this find?” Finding boldness, she didn’t know she had.
“I'm the person you seek.” Pause, “Wait, you recognize this? How?”
“I’m sorry she seems to think that she knows where this necklace was found and recognizes some of the artifacts you have on display. She tired. It’s been a long trip here.”
“How did you find this necklace?” Maggie persisted.
“It wasn’t me. I have my grandfather helping me.” The woman explained.
“Grandfather? May I meet him?” Maggie asked, she felt like a young girl again, heart beating faster, palms becoming sweaty, even her breath caught at the knowledge of him.
“I’m Julie,” she offered her hand to Cameron.
“I’m sorry to interrupt, can I meet your grandfather?” she timidly asked.
“I’m Cameron, this my grandmother Maggie. She’s not usually like this, very sane.” He shook Julie’s hand.
“If he’s up to some visitors.” They began walking through the rest of the museum, Maggie would occasionally stop and look at something on a table.

They had walked to the dig site and up to a large tent. Julie poked her head in.
“Dex, there are some visitors here to see you.”
“Come on Julie you know I don’t want any credit for this find.”
“You will want to meet these two. There’s a lady here who had nerve to pick up the garnet necklace. She also says she remembers it.” Julie informed.
“Okay.” Dex conceded. Maggie’s heart nervously beat inside her chest. She had to know if this was him. Dex emerged with Julie from the opening of the tent. Maggie’s breath caught in her chest. He was here.
“Dex, this Cameron and his grandmother Maggie.” Julie introduced the pair. Dex looked at Cameron, then Maggie. Maggie immediately went to him and took his hands, placing the backs against her lowered forehead. Dex pulled away from her as he had been burned.
“Julie, what is this?” he wondered confused.
“Dex, I’m sorry about my grandmother, she’s no normally like this.”
“Can we go for a walk around the ruins?” She questioned.
“As long as you don’t go all weird on me and do that again.” He warned.
“Deal.” She smiled. They turned and began to walk away from their grandkids.
“What do you know about this place?” She casually wondered, beginning to question what she’d done.
“I personally don’t know much about this place. I’m not even sure how I knew where it was.”
“Can I tell you a story?” she watched him. He shrugged, she took that as a go ahead. “There once was this prince and princess, he was of House Stark and she was of House Targaryen. One day they were walking their lands, admiring the beauty of the land each owned. Meeting on the property line, they found they had more in common than most thought of the two houses. They both took care of their land, animals, and family. Both watched family members pass on and give birth to new generations. As time went on the two of them decided to marry, in letting their family know, they were banished. So, they began their own house far away from the feuding. They named it – “
“House Greyjoy.” He added. “This was their House.” He stopped to think, “I don’t understand what that has to do with you and me.” Dex frowned.
“The family was exiled because of their love. House Stark and House Targaryn agreed on one thing, that this couple was not allowed to stay together. This is not the end of the story. They vowed to never be apart. Their house would stand until they were reunited in life.” She stopped to let him take what she’d said in.
“So you think that you are this Lady Greyjoy? And I’m Lord Greyjoy?” He scoffed at the sound of it.
“I don’t expect you to believe it right off, but think about it, how did you know where to find something you’d never seen before? You found the garnet necklace. That was hidden somewhere no one else knew where. I bet I can show you where.” She quietly challenged.
“Nu uh.”
“If I can show you where the necklace was found you have to consider the story is true and that we are the Lord and Lady Greyjoy. If I’m wrong then I will leave you alone for the rest of my life.”
They continued talking as she casually led him to where the necklace was hidden. She pushed on a simple square in the wall that released on a spring. There was a box that pulled from the wall, empty now.
“This is where you found the necklace.” She whispered.
“I don’t believe it.” He whispered back. Maggie replaced the box in the wall and closed the spring-loaded square.
“There’s more.” She said.
“How do you know?”
“You don’t always follow your heart, easily do you?” Her eyes glazed over revealing something not too many people knew about him. The pair continued talking as they walked. The memories the house held released more and more as Dex and Maggie finally realized their love had brought them back together.

Word Count 1018
© Copyright 2017 Cadie Laine - Happy 24th WDC! (UN: iamrighter at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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