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The place where I will put my Game of Thrones things
#918785 added August 28, 2017 at 3:19pm
Restrictions: None
Back to School time
You know for some the back to school time is easier than others. For some they are starting college or Kindergarten. For my family it's a time of starting new routines and learning the ropes of what is expected of them this year. Some would say that I have actually six children including my husband but he's not in school right now, unless it's the school of hard knocks. He's learned a lot about himself and what he's capable of this last year.
Let's start with my oldest, only girl, Jade, who is now a freshman in high school. This is her first time in high school with the big kids. We went to enrollment and got her list of classes. Then the week before school we met the teachers to find out where her classes were and what she would need for each class. Most have kept their lists easy, a spiral notebook, or a one inch ring binder with paper. She needed pens and pencils and a flash drive. Nothing major. The class work that is required is what's going to be the hard part.
Next is Anthony. He's the oldest boy in the family but he's also the second in this line of children. Anthony's in fifth grade, the "senior" of the elementary. He's a great kid, yet still a kid with interesting interests. He loves to read and is figuring out that sometimes in order to hang out with Jade his best friend he's got to learn to write, she's been writing for GoT. He has the same teacher as last year. Mr. Tilley. I wasn't happy about that at first but now I'm okay with it. Anthony needs to be challenged this year. Last year he seemed to be breezing through everything. He made all great grades, everything seemed to come easy to him.
Third is Jacob, he's the middle of this group and the busy body. He wants to be a Mythbuster when he grows up. Loves the television show. He's stuck between two siblings that are older than him and two siblings that are younger than him. He's a really smart third grader who knows what he needs to know. He just doesn't like to do things that he knows he'll be bored with. He enjoys reading and playing games on the tablet. We are trying to find a book series that he enjoys and can collect. I think he's come close with the Bone series. Not sure what it's about but it gets him to read and it's something that isn't below his level.
Fourth there's Aiden. You're beginning to wonder how many kids there are? FIVE Aiden, is my first grader, he is the child that I would definitely say walks to the beat of his own drum. He loves to read, dance and watch movies on the tablet. He has a lot of energy I wish I could bottle and sell. His teachers just love him. They've told me that while other kids are running around the classroom Aiden is sitting and reading a book or has his head down on his desk being quiet. It was so funny, the first day of school, I asked Aiden how his day was, he said "this was the worst day of my life." I frowned at him and asked "why, did you get in trouble?" His response was, "No, I didn't get a job." I had to giggle, "You didn't get a job?" "No my teacher didn't give me a job yet." Now I understood. "Oh you mean like line leader, door holder?" "Yea." "Oh, well, you'll get a job some time this school year. Everyone else has to have a job too." He sighed, "Okay." I smiled.
The last but certainly not least is Jeremiah. When I named Jeremiah before he was born I knew that people would reference his name to the prophet in the bible. While that's where I got the name I also was reminded that Jeremiah the prophet was the lamenting or sad prophet. So I fixed Jeremiah. In the old testament which I had studied in church, I learned that one of the 12 tribes of Israel was known as happiness. I wanted to find that for my Jeremiah. It's amazing the answers you get when you speak things over your children. Jeremiah Asher. He is definitely my laughter or happiness. He looks at you just right and says the right thing and you just bite back a smile because he's being serious but the way it comes from this little forty-five pound four year old you just want to laugh. He's so cute. He loves dinosaurs. Watches "Land Before Time" when it comes on Sprout. He likes the Magic Tracks Racers. He can write his name and the faces you get in the conversations are hilarious. I can't explain it, his head tilts, eyebrow goes up, like he's confused but he may not be. He lives up to his name. He's in Pre-K this year. He's so sweet to everyone around him.
They've been in school for a couple of weeks now and are getting into the routine of getting up and getting ready. The time it takes to get these kids out the door is confusing at times making sure everyone has their teeth brushed, socks and shoes on, and their backpacks ready to go is sometimes a complex variation of have you done this and it's time to go. It's cool to see how they've grown over the summer and it's going to be nice to see how they will grow this year.
This school year holds many things. While it's the second year that I've had all my children in school, I miss them to an extent. I am looking forward to seeing what this school year holds. Writing, reading, math and science. Band, Fccla and challenges that are ahead of us as we continue on throughout our year will keep us going on into next summer.

Word Count 1005
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