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All Game of Thrones Writing ~ 2017 |
Prompt 1: Write a story that includes the words ice, sun, fox, ship and fire. Please bold the words, at least the first time you use them. ~ Story The sun shone brightly on this morning as he stood looking out over the vast sea. He wanted to go home, to see what was left anyway, but there would be time for that later. First, he needed to save his sister, to prove himself once and for all, and let everyone know that he was a Greyjoy through and through, and would fight to the death if necessary. No matter how hard he tried he couldn’t get the images of Yara being held with a knife at her throat by his murdering cunt of an Uncle Euron. Between Ramsey’s torture and the guilt he carried from turning his back on Robb Stark, he didn’t know which way to turn anymore. Until today. One conversation with Jon Snow seemed to put everything in perspective for him, pushing him to embrace who he was, a Greyjoy of Pyke by birth and a Stark of Winterfell by experience. Life’s fire finally found its way to his heart, coursing through his veins as his strength and commitment returned. He would no longer run—from anyone. It still tortured him the way he left things, letting Euron take over the Iron fleet of ships. There were only a few ships left of their armada, but the ship he stood on now, that was Yara’s ship, the fastest in the fleet. He felt a sense of power standing on the bow, even though his body ached from the beating he’d just taken. In the end, he did what was necessary and now all he had to do was out fox the vile bastard, rescue Yara and kill Euron if necessary. The man had no morals, he proved that by murdering his father and Theon needed to avenge that death and make things right. The wind whipped his brown hair, a cold chill settling in around him. He shivered, his fingers feeling more like sticks of ice than flesh and blood. “My Lord, maybe you should rest up down below. You’ll be needed soon enough.” Theon shook his head. The older man was probably right, but he wasn’t ready to do that just yet. “Soon.” They weren’t far behind Euron, and he knew he needed the element of surprise to overtake him. In a perfect world, he could sneak aboard the Silence, free his sister and slit his Uncle’s throat while he slept. After the hell he’d been through these last seven years, he knew nothing would ever be that easy. Easy died the day Eddard Stark was beheaded and the seven kingdoms became a free for all. He’d made monumental mistakes after that, and if Jon was right, he still had time to right some of his wrongs. Besides, if he were going to be part of fighting the dead, then he needed his sister fighting beside him. Yara was excellent with her sword, she would benefit any army she defended. Theon watched as the sun began its descent. It was time to rest for a spell, gather his strength and prepare to defend the Greyjoy name. He turned from the bow, headed down below and to his chambers. As he sat on the bed, it occurred to him that he’d learned a lot from Ramsey, like it or not. Ramsey wouldn’t hesitate to carve Euron into pieces, relieve him of a few appendages. Could Theon be as brutal? Did he possess the kind of viciousness needed to inflict his Uncle with physical pain and leave him wallowing in fear? “It may be the only way,” Theon said. He laid back in the bed and winced as pain shot through his abdomen, before turning into a throbbing through his torso. Theon closed his eyes, his mind consumed on this rescue mission and trying to relax his body enough to get comfortable. As the Black Wind drew closer to the port, Theon lowered himself down the side of the ship by rope, going it alone. He knew the crew would try to stop him if they realized what he was doing, but he couldn’t put any more lives at risk. Dawn would fast be approaching and he needed the cover of darkness to make his move. He swam toward the Silence, knowing Yara would be below deck locked in Euron’s private dungeon. He managed to scale the side of the Silence and pull himself up to the open porthole. From there he climbed up the side and peeked at the deck. All was quiet. Theon climbed aboard, and crept across the deck, his hand pulling his blade from its sheath, putting the cool metal between his teeth. He lowered himself below deck, his heart pounding wildly as he stood, pressing his back against the wood and waiting. The only sound was the gentle waves rocking against the ship. Moving deeper into the bowels of the ship, he made it to the dungeon, just past Euron’s chambers. Theon breathed a sigh of relief, thankful he’d made it this far unnoticed. He crouched in front of the door and turned the handle. The heavy door opened, creaking, the sound piercing his ears. He stopped, listening, and then pushed it just enough to slip through the small opening. “I knew you wouldn’t be able to stay away,” Euron said. WC: 879 |