The Saga of Prosperous Snow Continues |
Friday, September 1, 2017 The "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise" prompt for DAY 1264 What are you going to do to help celebrate WDC's 17th anniversary? Happy Birthday I just checked out Party Central 2017 , and found several interesting items. I know I will be reviewing, I did not review anything on the last day of GoT because I was finishing up some writing that was due by midnight. My goal is to attempt to review about four items per day, which is about my reviewing limit this year. I, also, want to enter a few of the contests, while keeping up with the classes I am taking and working on poems in "Bicentenary Poems and Prose" . Happy Birthday Happiness is a birthday party celebrating Another year passed into the fog of history. Poets will remember's 17th birthday party; Poets always remember the years of creativity. Yell, "Happy Birthday!" Birthday creativity Inspires writers to write, Readers to read and review. There is lots of writing fun Here on Days and nights of party writing Always establishes the tone of the coming year. Yell, "Happy Birthday!" |