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Rated: GC · Book · Supernatural · #2138250
Life is not a fairytale. It's like a nightmare & for immortals it can be fucking endless.
#922425 added October 19, 2017 at 7:21pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter Nineteen – Let It Burn
As we reach the pack pavilion located on the south lawn near the horse stables, the party is already in full swing. The sun has just set on the other side of the lake and the bonfire has been lit. There are huge logs lying around the bonfire, so people can sit and watch the fire. There is a make-shift bar on one side of the pavilion and a dancefloor in the middle.

Coco and I go to the bar first thing and throw back a couple of shots of vodka. Pack members are milling around talking and having a good time. Since night after tomorrow is the full moon, there are a lot more wolves here for the weekend than normal. It isn’t long before Coco and I are laughing, dancing and singing with everyone else.

Several shots and songs later, Coco and I are dancing. I caught sight of Marshall leaning up against one of the old oak trees beside the pavilion. I must say he looks sexier tonight than he did last night. He’s wearing blue jeans again, slung low on his hips and a white long sleeve Ralph Lauren Polo shirt with the sleeves rolled up. Tonight, he is wearing cowboy boots instead of his biker boots, with a black cowboy hat, that he has pulled down shading his eyes. I feel my stomach flutter and a slow ache in my nether-region. He lifts his head and our eyes lock for what seems like forever. I see one corner of his mouth turn-up in a smirk. I lick my lips at the same time he does.

Coco turns to see who I am looking at. She grabs my arm and mouths “Go over and talk to him.” I just shake my head no and move so my back is to him so I can’t see him watching me but I still feel his eyes on me. After the song we are dancing finishes, I grab Coco and walk off the dance floor and head over to the bar on the other side. We do a couple of more shots. Coco talks into her shot glass and says, “Don’t look now but sex-on-legs at six o’clock.”

I already knew he was standing behind me. I could feel the heat coming off his body. I turn around slowly. “Good evening, Lady Raelynne, Ms. Coco” Marshall says as he tips his hat and bows not taking his eyes off mine. The three of us just stand there for several awkward seconds. Marshall clears his throat uncomfortably and Coco grabs Marshall’s cowboy hat, giggles and runs away. Marshall yells after her, “You better bring my hat back later Coco. I have no problems hog-tying a filly such as yourself to get my hat back.”

I slowly turn and lose all thought as I look into his eyes, suddenly drowning. We both just stand there not saying anything to each other. I sigh then slowly turn to walk away and he hesitantly reaches out and grabs my hand.

“Please don’t leave. All I ask is that you hear me out and allow me to explain why I left last night. Then if you still want you can kick my ass and I will never bother you again.” he says as he slowly intertwines his fingers with mine.

My breath increases as I feel the spider-web of electricity traveling up my arm and around my body. I can do is breath one word, “Okay.”

“Thank you. Can we move somewhere more private for a few minutes?” he asks as he looks over at another tree close by.

I nod my head yes as the bartender hands me another shot of vodka that I slam quickly. Marshall looks at me and raises an eyebrow. “What?” I ask. Marshall just shakes his head back and forth, then grins as he leads me over to the tree, our hands never breaking contact.

We both stand next to each other for a couple of minutes, just watching our fingers playing with one another. I feel the surges of electricity dance up my arm to the pit of my stomach.

“Do you feel that?” he whispers.

“Yes” I answer as I’m barely able to breath, swaying back and forth.

Marshall pulls me towards him and looks into my eyes. He slowly brushes his thumb across my lips and says “Raelynne, I am so sorry about leaving you last night. The driver carrying our load of equipment arrived earlier than I thought and I had to leave to escort him up here. I didn’t want to leave but I had a job to do. Too many people count on me, including your father. After I left, I was so afraid I would never see you again and honestly, you are all I have thought about since then. I tried to call Riese a couple of times but he never picked up his damn phone. My intention was to ask him to find you and let you know where I had gone. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

I don’t say anything. I can see the sincerity in his eyes. I step closer to him and slide my hand up his arm to the back of his neck and play the with the hair at his neckline.

“Look, I don’t know if you have someone in your life. I can only assume you don’t or that things aren’t what you would like for them to be, but I would….” He says.

I don’t know why but, I don’t let him finish. I stand on my tippy-toes and kiss him lightly on the lips. He grabs the back of my head and kisses me with all the passion of Eros and I am left weak kneed and breathless. After a very long kiss, he places his forehead against mine and whispers, “Oh God Raelynne, what do I do with you? You undo me so completely. I have never wanted someone as much as I want you, and I am not just talking about your body. Don’t get me wrong that is one fine ass body you have. But I want everything. I want to know what makes you smile. What makes you laugh and what you look like in the morning. I can’t explain it. I can’t get you out of my mind. The moment I saw you last night, I fell and I fell hard.”

Stepping back from Marshall, I take his hand that I’m holding in mine and pull it to my lips and gently kiss his knuckles. Looking down at the ground and let out a heavy sigh “Marshall I feel the same way, but there are so many things about me you don’t know. So much baggage, so many obligations.”

“I don’t care Raelynne. Please don’t push me away” he says as he squeezes my hand.

Shaking my head, my mind goes back to all the dark thoughts and memories of the past few months. “It’s a very long story Marshall. The short version is my partner at the F.B.I. was killed about six months ago and I am still dealing with the grief of losing Griff.” I whisper back.

“Oh. Raelynne, I am so sorry?” he says as he rubs circles in the small of my back with the hand that isn’t at my chest.

“And of course, you know about Fenris. I don’t think I will ever get over to losing him. Fenris and I were very close growing up. It was like we were twins. Even as adults we knew when the other one was in trouble. I knew he was dead the moment it happened. I felt him die, Marshall from over seventy-five hundred miles away.” I say as I start to sob.

Marshall pulls me closer, wraps his arm around my head and kisses the top of my head and starts to rock me back and forth. “Shh. It’s okay Raelynne. Please don’t cry. I’m so sorry. We don’t have to talk about this. I didn’t mean to make you cry, especially not tonight at your party,” he says as he steps back and wipes my cheeks with his thumbs. He then takes a loose strand of hair and puts it behind my ear. I watch as his eyes widen in surprise.

Oh my God Raelynne, Did I do that?” he asks as he looks at the huge hickey on my shoulder. He slowly runs his fingers over it cause sparks to ignite from my core, up my spine to his fingertips. I watch him pull his fingers away as if shocked. He wets his lips and gazes into my eyes. "I mean I have to admit I caught a glimpse of it earlier today. I tried to be a gentleman but you looked so damn sexy in that cotton gown" Marshall says and we both chuckle. "I wasn't the only one that noticed either. Your gown sort of hangs open each time you bent over. I'm not complaining. I could stare at your beautiful body forever, but I noticed Winston viewing the scenery as well and I got so pissed, so I hit him. I had no right and for that I'm sorry."

"Well her is the one you need to apologize to. Not me." I replied.

"I did as soon as your father and Porter sent us packing. Speaking of, I hate to ask but what happened? Marshall asks.

"Happened with what?" I ask, then I realize what he is talking about. "Yeah about that. My dad had Porter shoot me up with Wolfs bane so let's just say my wolf and I aren't on speaking terms right now, hence the thigh holster" I say as I touch my thigh. "I won't be doing any shifting for the next week, so I have to use alternative protection."

"That's a shame, especially with the full moon night after tomorrow. I would have loved to watch your wolf run with the pack. She's as beautiful as you are." he replied.

"By the way nice gun. I guess now if I piss you off you can shoot my ass instead of bite my ass. Of course, the later one might be a little fun" he chuckles as he wiggles his eyebrows up and down suggestively.

I shake my head and giggle. "Marshall are you flirting with me?" I ask.

"Maybe" he says as he grabs me and tickles me on my sides. I squeal and squirm from his grip, both of us laughing. I turn and take off running. I hear him yelling behind me "I'm going to get you."

I see Coco on the other side of the pavilion and make a beeline for her. I quickly duck and hide behind her. Marshall runs by not seeing me. He turns around and asks Coco "Have you seen Raelynne?" She just nods her head no. He then taps her shoulder and says "Tag you’re it and takes off running." I step out from behind Coco, grab Marshall's hand and we both take off before she realizes what's going on. Before long we have over twenty people playing tag, laughing and having a good time. And for the first time in ages, I feel alive.

Sometime around eleven pm Marshall gets a phone call. "That was your father he asked me to meet him down at the stables. Why don't you stay here and keep having fun? I'll be back shortly. I shouldn’t be more than about twenty to thirty minutes." He says bending down to peck me on the cheek.

"Ok" I gasp from all the running. “I'll see you shortly.”

After forty-five minutes Marshall, still isn't back so I head down to the stables to drag him away from my father. Coming down the path, I notice a couple of horses tied up out front. Maybe they went for a quick ride and just got back, I say to myself. I walk in the stable and head towards the office. I notice the door slightly jar and hear sounds of moaning coming from inside. Then I hear the throaty voice of Celia screaming, "Oh yes! Just like that."

The next words I hear feel like a knife to my heart. "Oh my god Celia, I am going to fuck you senseless like I did last night." Hot tears roll down my cheek and my eyes go red as I realize less than an hour ago that same voice was whispering apologies in my ear.

Thinking maybe my ears were deceiving me, I open the door only to have my eyes confirm what I didn't want to believe. I see Celia bent over the desk with her dress hiked up and no underwear on with Marshall standing behind her; one hand cupped over a breast and the other grabbing her crotch. I notice his shirt is completely unbuttoned and open. His belt is unbuckled and his jeans undone, with Celia's hand down the front working aggressively on his manhood.

"You fucking bastard, how could you?" I scream. They both turn and look at me in total surprise, jumping apart. Next thing I know I'm slapping Marshall across the face as hard as I can. He looks at me like he has no idea who I am.

"As for you fucking whore, you just put the last nail in your coffin. You are out of the pack. You have until sunrise to get your skanky ass off my property" I yell at Celia. I don't even give them a chance to respond before I leave slamming the door behind me.

I run out front and unhitched one of the horses. I jump in the saddle and take off.
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