The Saga of Prosperous Snow Continues |
Monday, November 20, 2017 Give thanks for the present moment, for both the joy and sorrow. The "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise" prompt for DAY 1344 Marge Piercy said: "“I want to do something very important. Like fly into the past and make it come out right.” Have you ever thought about this? Do you use the idea in your writing? There have been times in my life when I wanted to go into the past, and change something that happened, or make it happen a different way. I am thankful that I have never found a way to accomplish that, because if I changed something in the past I would be a different person today. I am grateful that I never found a way to travel to the past. I have never used time travel in a story, I like to read stories with that theme, but I have never used it. Time Travelers We travel in time, we move from yesterday into today, and from today into tomorrow experiences along the way happiness and sorrow. We are travelers in time, moving forward through seconds, minutes, and hours, experiencing days, weeks, and months, as we mature physically, mentally, and spiritually. How often do we give thanks for today rather than trying to hold onto yesterday, or worry about tomorrow? We are travelers in time, but do we know the blessings of the present? |