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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#924184 added November 24, 2017 at 12:07pm
Restrictions: None
If it Tastes Funny spit it out.
The rules which have enabled the coverup of an Alien presence in recent years is that claims must meet the standard of scientific inquiry. Since most inquirers are not scientists anyone who is not a card carrying member of the scientific community is considered an idiot whose views are not worthy of serious consideration.

To the progenitors of the coverup, which are the security arms of the US intelligence agencies, this is all very convenient. Their modus operandi is to attack, ridicule, threaten and in some cases kill those who threaten their secret.

It is well known how the methods used by science can be manipulated to achieve any outcome or preconceived notion the establishment wishes to put forth. To pervert the scientific method the data can be faked or the values manipulated to provide any parochial outcome that might be desired and preordained. When it is convenient to do so, Science has become a farce and scientists will do virtually anything to get the government money to indulge their myopic interests.

Sometimes this backfires. Forecasting techniques which have a valid scientific basis are effective tools in predicting future outcomes. They are popular tools used in forecasting political elections. There is a popular notion among the influence peddlers that if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes accepted as truth. A corollary to this is that voters want to be on a winning team and if it appears a candidate is winning many will vote for him/her wanting to be associated with success. As a consequence pollsters, working for a candidate, will use every statistical slight of hand they can manage to portray their candidate as being ahead and about to win an election.

Science is not an openminded process of inquiry to discover the truth but rather a means for justifying a preconceived and scripted outcome where illusion and politically correctness is more important than openness and truth. What we are being bombarded with are the views of an elite few putting forth a warped notion of "Best," that raises more questions than answers. Science has been commandeered and become a vehicle used to explain and justify the lies being told to keep the masses in the dark as to what is really going on. THERE IS AN ALIEN PRESENCE operating in and around this planet and it's been here for a long time.... Once you realize this is happening, what you see begins to make more sense.

You'll come closer to the truth by viewing sensational utube videos than watching what the media chooses to report, reading misleading articles and journals, and listening to the lies of supposed experts, all of whom are trying to shape and make you believe that the firehose of reality playing out before your eyes is a figment of your imagination....that by questioning a droplet here and there, they convincingly explain that the spray is not water but pixy-dust.

These Utube videos are are often sensational, absurd and easy to discredit. The comments that follow run the gamut of believability and disbelief. Those who watch them have to use their own filters to separate what resonates with truth from that which is total nonsense. Still, if you want to embark on a journey to find the truth this is the milieu you must wade into. The system is so badly corrupted that as ill conceived as this approach seems, it is preferred to the carefully orchestrated deception that is being taught in our schools, shown by the media and reported by many of the highly placed liars who champion false narratives and a new world order.

A good example is "The Face on Mars." At first there was this small anomaly that turned up on an early flyover that appeared to have the features of a face. This caused a sensation demanding that NASA take a closer look. They told the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) to do so, who in turn used their technology, NOT to shed further light on the image, but to OBFUSCATE it. The initial picture of the face has more resolution than all the imagery that followed. What JPL did was use photo editing software and every filtering device at their disposal to prove that the image of the face was not of intelligent origin but rather a play of light and shadows that appealed to the human propensity to see shapes in nature that resemble one thing but are really imaginary musings. They insisted the "Giraffe" was a "Frog," and in so doing, everyone in the world realized they were being lied to. NASA had finally ventured so far out onto the plank of deceit that it snapped in two. Believing that their virtual monopoly on information flowing from the Martin orbiters and rovers gave them license to manufacture the truth they dealt themselves a blow to credibility their administrators have yet to fully realize.

A closer examination by credible scientific sources who challenged the "Kings Nakedness" demonstrated with absolute certainty that the face was in fact of intelligent origin and an artifact such as would appear if an aerial photo were taken of the Sphinx or Mt. Rushmore. For unexplained reasons, some powerful insiders, felt that admitting this face was a real artifact, was something not in the security interests of the United States and put the kibosh on it. Now the government's fall back position, if ambivalence is jarred from slumber, will be that the Brookings Report was behind the policy decision to distort the truth. As I said earlier this is total malarky. The reality is that the United States wants to be the first to examine the archeology in hopes of finding useful technology such as what fell into our hands at Roswell following WW2. Chances are we already have boots on the ground and have been nosing about this site for the last quarter of a century.

However, I have digressed and need to get back to Utube videos. Social medial is a relatively new medium and not as controllable as the more commonly known means of dispensing information. This means that stuff finds it way onto the internet that will never see the light of day in classrooms, newspapers, magazines, TV, books or other traditional forms of information sharing. At its worst social media is absurd, misleading and fraught with abuse. At its best it allows thoughts and ideas that would otherwise never see the light of day, to be presented. The challenge is to separate the pepper from the rat poop and extract that which resonates with a ring of authenticity and pull a bit here and a nugget there from out of the milieu. That milieu is a murky brew indeed, however, a bright mind would be better off fishing for the truth in these waters than swallowing what is being ignored or carefully scripted by elitists who have the money and agenda to control the media and practice the "Mind Voodoo" that is permeating our culture.

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