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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/924342-Unexpected-results-in-Mona-Lisa-Hoax
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#924342 added November 25, 2017 at 11:18am
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Unexpected results in Mona Lisa Hoax
Tube videos run the gamut of believability. Some contain believable bits and pieces, others seem believable until the producer makes a comment like "The Earth is Flat." Others rehash old information in ways that are amaturish and hardly worth listening to. Still others seem sensational at first glance and really perk a viewer interest only to show a flaw that undermines its credibility. Finally there are those, usually a lecture by a credible sounding presenter, which resonates with authenticity.

Last night I listened to one by a science artist which was about as good as they get. While he got his knowledge standing on the fringe of portentous events he was totally believable. His premise was that we are much further along in our aviation technology, perhaps fifty years or more, than anybody in the "Know" is willing to admit. I read somewhere about this girl who said she had to kiss a great many frogs before one turned into a handsome prince. I feel that way about U-tube videos and my entertainment in the evening is watching them and hoping to learn something about matters I don't have a firm opinion about.

An example of sensational videos is the Mona Lisa video, that is similar to the Secret Manned Mars Probe video. At first glance these get one's attention even though the viewing raises plenty of healthy skepticism. In the Mona Lisa the claim is that there was a Apollo 20 mission that was sent to check out imagery on the moon's surface revealing a crashed space craft. The astronauts landed near some abandoned structures and went inside the craft. Purportedly they took the video that reveals some stark imagery of the body of a naked woman, claimed to be in suspended animation, allegedly found in the command module of the alien space craft. I won't dwell on these videos, you can search them on line using some of they words I've provided.

The big problem with the Mona Lisa Video comes when her body is transferred to the Lunar Module... and an autopsy is conducted. We see the body laying in state surrounded with authentic looking controls and switches that exist in a real space capsule. The big problem is that the body would have never been transferred and handled in the manner which is shown. There are strict protocols surrounding how foreign objects are treated that do not include exposing a dead corpse to the interior of a lunar lander. Not only would it stink the place up but there is the possibility of pathogens in the fluids that are alleged to have oozed from the cadaver's body cavities It is all but certain that had a body been found in an alien space craft it would have been photographed trying to capture as much of the vessel's interior imagery as possible and if a decision was made to move the cadaver to the module it would have been done in a sealed pouch of some sort and brought Earth-side for autopsy to the most biologically secure medical facilities on the planet. Interesting however, the Hoax has served another purpose. On one hand NASA and the Guardians of Secrecy have learned not to protest to loudly. However, in debunking the video they zero in on the surface of the Moon showing high image resolution that clearly demonstrates that the alleged spacecraft is a rock that that has the general shape of a space craft. Now if this is possible, to prove a particular point they wish to convey, then why is it that all other imagery we get from the Moon and Mars on objects of interest, is blurred almost beyond recognition, altered by filters and anything left of note, sprayed over using Photoshop software?

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