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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#927991 added January 29, 2018 at 10:18am
Restrictions: None
Russian Collusion
I was surprised when Glen Beck got fired from Fox News....well, I was and I wasn't. He was making some real headway in exposing the George Soros network. He has this rogue's gallery of enablers with pictures pasted all over the wall who he networked on his show and named who they were and what they were involved in. Now it could well be that Beck was fired on some salacious and unrelated matter, that Fox didn't want to have get out.., anything is possible, however the timing over the direction his program took and where he was fixated, and his abrupt dismissal leave plenty of questions regarding timing and coincidence. With hat in hand he shuffled off quietly and one has to look hard these days to see what he's up to.

This brings us back to the "Great Meddler" George Soros. (On page 158.)

After the election and Trump won...

"Jarrett arranged a visit by Hillary Clinton, who urged Obama to join her in leading the resistance."

"Jarret made sure that Obama received assurances of support from George Soros, who had been funding Obama since his early days in the Illinois state legislature. Soros promised that he'd put together a war chest with the help of other liberal money bags such as investment banker, David Shaw, real estate heiress Amy Goldman Fowler, venture capitalists Ryan Smith and Kenneth Levine, San Francisco-based philanthropists, John and Marcia Goldman, medical device heir Jon Stryker and real estate investors Wayne Jordan and Mary Quinn Delaney."

The primary focus of the Resistance is to distract attention away from the Democrats and focus the spotlight on the Republicans. Despite having lost their direct hand-on grips to the levers of power, they still had plenty of partisans intrenched in the Deep State. To put the best possible spin on why they lost the election the brain trust decided they would try and sell a story that the Russians colluded with members of the Trump Administration to "steal the election". Stealing elections is a familiar theme with Democrats who never lose an election, they always have it stolen. This was an area they had plenty of experience in, since long before Trump arrived on the political scene the Leftists were well versed in how the ropes were arranged and operated.

Using National Intelligence Gathering Assets they soon learned that Donald Trump Junior had talked with the Soviets. (Page141)

"The collusion argument picked up steam after it was revealed that Donald Trump Jr. met in Trump Tower during the presidential campaign with Natalia Veselnitskaya, a Russian Lawyer connected to the Kremlin.... The Russians arranged the meeting by promising to reveal dirt on Hillary Clinton, but within the first few minutes it became clear they didn't have any dirt. Their real motive was to lobby the Trump campaign to push for repeal of United States sanctions imposed on certain Russian Officials by the 2012 Magnitsky Act."

"Trump Jr. later admitted that he should't have taken the meeting and he released the e-mail chain that led up to the meeting. He acknowledged that everyone quickly realized that the meeting was a waste of time, that no information about Hillary Clinton cooperating with the Russians was divulged, that the entire meeting lasted only twenty minutes, and there was no further contact between him and the Russians."

This has been the whole basis for the "Russia Collusion" hypothesis and for the past year the mainstream media has awakened each morning thinking that today was the day that the Muller investigation would make their case and Trump Jr. would be led off in handcuffs. Even Peter Sryzok knew better and emailed Lisa Page "...There is no there there."

The whole purpose of the Muller probe has been to deflect attention away from the abuses of the Obama Administration over the past decade, sabotage the Trump presidency, and wishfully hope the witch hunt will turn up something on Trump that might constitute an impeachable offense.

Sorry I got off the track on George Soros... maybe tomorrow.

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