The Saga of Prosperous Snow Continues |
Sunday, February 11, 2018 The Sensitive Sunday 50/50 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS" On Sensitive Sunday, yup that's what I called it... the price is 1000gps Write about three things that really bother you. Three Things That Piss Me Off The three things that bother me are things I can't do a damn thing about because I don't control them. I know I shouldn't let anything that isn't under my control piss me off, but I do. I've found a couple of ways to deal with them so that they don't bother me enough to raise my blood pressure; however, the still piss me off. Sometimes the piss me off enough to make me cry. First, prejudice and the way the news media focuses on the hate groups rather than the groups that are attempting to oppose the hate. Second, the way some politicians make heroes of the hate groups and abuses rather than speaking out against them. Third, is death sentences given to people whose only crime is believing in a religions or prophet different from the one the leaders claim to follow. How do I handle this things? I pray, I share article (usually on Facebook) that educate about the situations, I write, vote in national elections, and, on occasion, contact the Nevada Congress people in Washington D.C. I don't see any other way to handle these types of situations, at this point in my life. |