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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/929982-March-5-2018
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#929982 added March 5, 2018 at 6:01am
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March 5, 2018
"March 5, 2018 Me in my Salvation Army uniformJust what it saysImage for BCOF members to put in their blogsBlog City image small

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs "Prompt: List 10 awesome things about spring."

I did not get to blog as much last week as I wanted to. I was recently diagnosed with sleep apnea and quite frankly I've been sleeping over a lot. I still have not had my sleep study done but will try to do some more blogging this coming week.

1. The most important thing I love about spring is the holidays. I love Good Friday because it is a special day of reflection and remembrance of what Jesus Christ did for us. Don't get me wrong. We should spend every day worshiping God and thinking of what Jesus did for us but Good Friday is the day on which He actually died. That should be enough to make even the hardest hearted person thankful and reflective.

2. I also love Easter, not because we give out candy to children or pass out colored eggs, which are all pagan rituals that I personally have no use for. Rather it is the third day following Good Friday and just as Jesus Christ died for my sin on Good Friday he raised from the dead on Easter Sunday. His resurrection was the final victory and means that He reigns sovereign over everything. Just as He reigned so shall I reign with Him as a joint heir to salvation and eternal life.

3. I also love the renewal in the spring. Like anybody else I get cabin fever in the winter time. I look forward to seeing the trees in bloom.

4. I love the spring flowers, which remind me that God provides my every need.

5. I love the spring rains, which bring new life. I live in West Virginia and to be honest I am praying that God withholds some rain this year. We have had enough and will likely flood if we get much more.

6. I love seeing the animals coming out of hibernation and new births that occur. It reminds me of my own spiritual new birth when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior.

7. I enjoy the blue skies after a long winter of overcast and gray skies.

8. I enjoy seeing the farmers plowing their fields knowing that more food is being grown.

9. I enjoy the sunshine, which means people will no longer have to suffer with seasonal affective disorder.

10. I enjoy graduations which are the beginnings of new lives. It reminds me that God is faithful. When one door shuts He opens another one.

Blog City image small "Prompt: Is there any way to spot a liar? Do you have a special trick for it or what makes you suspicious that someone is lying?"

I have heard that one is lying if they do not make eye contact. Of course if the person happens to suffer from autism they naturally do not make eye contact so that rules that out. I have also heard that if they look down and to the right they are lying but again we have no way of knowing if I'm lying about that or not. Biblically speaking though I know somebody who never lies. That somebody is God. God cannot lie. I Samuel 15:29, Hebrews 6: 18, Psalms 89; 35, and Titus 1: 2 tell us that God not only does not lie but cannot lie. I don't depend on humans to tell me the truth. I depend on God's truth.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/929982-March-5-2018