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Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation. |
tataki = haikuish with place sashimi = haikuish but not a definite place ktanka = like a tanka *FF = foto / photo I wouldn't mind if anyone reading these would comment which ones they like. 656 Fragrance of / linden — pollen floating / in a puddle [120a] 657 Caught in an / eddy — blossoms from the / berry bushes [120b] 658 Emperor speaks: who / dare cross my raging river — / banished forever! [120c] 659 I would send you / one last poem — not yet, / Death replied [120d] 660 Tired Moon / begs to sleep — composes an / ode to Dawn [120e] 661 Clouds promise / rain. Open the windows. Air / out the rooms. [120f] 662 Sun enters the / window — caresses one flower / with a finger [120g] 663 His ire melts / the snow — sweeps away All /in the rising flood [121a] 664 Snow white turns / orange with dust — we pray /for cleansing rain [121b] 665 Above the ridge / the flag stiffens — below / the midges flirt [121c] 666 Withered scarecrows / of corn stalks — geese feed / wary of the fox [121d] 667 Corn cut for / silage — geese in the stubble / gently grazing [121e] 668 Dorothy-the-/ bitch complaining: this isn't / as good as home! [121f] 669 Litter of western / culture — well trod paths / of the tourists [123a] 670 No shadows from / bending willows — they weep into / a rising flood [123b] 671 By moonlight / a robe fastened tight — at dawn / bound tighter [123c] 672 What quickens / the breast of the rose bush? Ah... / a sparrow song [123d] 673 At the river / they say goodbye: He to the source; / she bound for the sea [123e] 674 A sparrow sings / from the thorns; where is my rose; / when will she bloom. [123f] 675 The fox hides in / dappled shadows — No! / it's a fawn [123g] 676 His balls swing / with a rhythm — dear sir, / please turn around. [123h] 677 Leaves new / on the trees — an umbrella / blooms poppy red [127a] 678 Beyond the North / Hills — no sign of shrouded / mountains [127b] 679 The river rises / to flood — sidewalks / glisten [127c] 680 A girl walks past / yellow flowers — her blond / hair uncovered [127d] 681 What floral / gifts will May bring / to the hills? [127e] 682 The paths among / the pine empty today — grass / grows unnoticed. [127f] 683 Roses piled high / in the birthplace of my Faith — here / (tulips and) daffodils [128a] 684 Do not hurry / old river — the race to the seas / ends at the Sea [128b] (reword to make stronger) 685 The glass houses / ready for market — soon / radishes and turnips (to munch on) [128c] 686 This birthday — / how many times must I flash / fingers and toes [128d] 687 O Sparrow! Even / the pit-patter of rain cannot drown out / your come-hither song [128e] (too long) 688 From the mountain / top — city lights hidden / under smog [132a] 689 Twined around each / other — pale blossoms / at night [132b] 690 Withered fields / turn green — blanket / whitened bones [132c] 691 A flag waving / (at me) furiously — the river es- / caping its banks [132c] 692 Come up forty- / two stairs to see me sometime? / I have no visitors [132e] 693 These tomatoes — / they just don't seem / American [132f] (ironical) 694 Family scattered, / dead — a wounded / blue goose [132g] 695 An old couple / arguing (for what) — a drop of dew / in the sun [133a] 696 Even as my friend / blocks my way to tell a joke — / holding it in [133b] 697 Poke out my / eyes — so I can see this / world as you do [133c] 698 O Sarah! / Fly away as a dragon — / burn your broom [133d] 699 Last snow, first / snowdrops — nineteen years / since you died [133e] 700 A gathering of / my teachers — a chorus of / hoarse crows [133f] 701 Observe the may-/ flies and know — this May will / not come again [133g] 120,121,123 [4/29] 127,128 [4/30] 132,133 [5/1] Started reading Issa, 127b. 90,231 total blog views |