Reflections and ruminations from a modern day Alice - Life is Wonderland |
30-Day Blogging Challenge October 2 Prompt: We all have ‘pet-peeves’. Write about some of yours! As I am multi-tasking through my morning, I think I may have picked up a few more "pet-peeves" courtesy of some of my coworkers. In my line of work it is very important to have an electronic record of what I do. There are many moving parts and I wear a lot of different hats. I am also a type A so if I delegate something, I like to be absolutely sure it will be done. I pride myself on crafting very clear and responsive emails, especially when I am explaining something or giving instructions. I absolutely loathe it when I take the time and the care to do that and the person decides to call me and proceeds to ask all the questions I've just painstakingly answered in electronic ink. Either they have skimmed the email or just ignored it all together or lack the patience to give it the attention it any case, it makes me crazy. There is one co-worker in particular who regularly makes a habit of this and her aloof apology after the fact makes me want to throw my stapler at her. I should have more patience but the amount of time my job demands, I simply can't tolerate the level at which this constantly happens to me. I have a family member who is also very "judge-y". She is someone whom I am constantly on edge with. She is quick to pass judgement, even on strangers, for their decisions, opinions and actions. It is difficult to deal with her because she will always be the first one to complain about anything. Rarely in life is anything executed perfectly. A person can't please everyone all the time, but she is the kind of person one can never please - any of the time sadly. Lastly, and this is closely tied to the current state of the country....people who try to convert you with their posts, politics, their religions, talking heads that are not interested in a debate or intelligent back and forth conversation of mutual respect. There are a lot of those people on social media. It is often very discouraging, especially for someone like me who takes care to keep my own politics and personal beliefs close to the vest out of respect for others. I'm sure there are more but those, at the moment, seem to be the top three! |