Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/943170-October-12---Character-Antagonist-Profile
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #2170754
My project for 2018....Arlynn's Way
#943170 added October 11, 2018 at 10:01pm
Restrictions: None
October 12 - Character: Antagonist Profile
Oct. 12: - Character: Antagonist Profile â–¼
Draft a profile of the antagonist(s) you identified in the "Premise" assignment. If your antagonist is a situation rather than a person, choose another minor (but significant) character to profile.
Further clarification:
- Newsletter Article: "When The Bad Guy Isn't a Person"
- "ANTAGONIST (Re: A LOT of confusing things)"

I have several:
Big City = Lance Peters
Big City = Sheila
Cottage Country = Penny Carlson
Cottage Country = Arlynn's own internal confidence and self esteem. Doubts that are handled by facing things and finding she CAN do it on her own... but it sure is nice to have friends to help.

I will focus the most here on Lance Peters. I have spent at least 45 minutes working offline on notes for this.
I will also create a file - "Lance Peters I have worked on this this morning (Thurs. Oct 11)

Yesterday's notes (Oct. 11):
Moth to a Flame:
Lance first notices Arlynn when she is out with friends (Emily) celebrating something to do with school. He does not approach. He is drawn to her 'shiny newness' - young naivete and free spirited-ness. A sparkle.

He sees her again 2 weeks later when he is out with some people (acquaintances really) at The Warehouse - a dance club. He is in his suit having come from work to meet up with these people. He notices she seems out of her league, but is still shiny and the sparkle is still there. He approaches and they talk. I would say Sheila is suspicious of a guy wearing a suit in a bar. I am also thinking this is the summer before her last year, not her second last year as I said in her backstory.

--he manages to get her to cancel summer trips to the cottage to go out with him - it is a new relationship so she complies without much concern. He may also take her to meet his family in Ottawa for Thanksgiving so again she does not see her family - not until Christmas when he goes home alone.
--he makes excuses not to be around her when she is with Emily and her other university friends during the school year. Emily's influence is strong and he does not like her - prefers to keep them apart. The same is true of her aunt Stephanie. He avoids contact when ever possible - though he is sly and subtle about it.
--their date are 'secluded' - often at his place for dinner and a movie (at a theatre around the corner or a rental at his place). She thinks this is lovely, but he is actually a cheap guy - Sheila tells her this.
--during the school year he dates other women, but Arlynn does not know this.
--he asks her to move in with him - maybe March? - around the time she is considering her options:
To stay in Toronto and take a job int a graphic art department (Sheila recommends) or
To go to Guelph where her aunt and uncle live and try to find a job there.. or
Freelance?? Lance tends to discourage this as he tells her she is still pretty 'green' and the market is very volitile and cut throat. - frightens her into not taking that option.... one that Emily supports.
--He suggest they move in together and share the rent and she could take the Toronto job - she jumps at this opportunity despite Emily's concern that she is making a quick decision.
--as time passes the manipulation increases - this wears at Arlynn - chipping away at her confidence and self-esteem. - her boss, Mr. Reid, is also not helping this as he is practicing 'hard love' in the hopes of getting her to move on - others with great talent have gotten tired of his methods and left.... Arlynn is not taking his 'hints' - she is a softer character. when he realizes this he apologizes - his initial plan lowers her self esteem and confidence and keeps her in her familiar 'comfort zone'. When she talks to him, he realizes his error and apologizes - he is also a strong supporter of her freelance career - often sending clients her way.
--Lance will accuse her of affairs - so that she modifies her behaviour to be available to him at all times to avoid arguments and fights. - he is actually the one having the affairs. He is okay with her hanging with Sheila because then he knows where both of them are and what they are doing.
--When does he have time to have affairs? With Sheila - he will make sure Arlynn comes home (working on her own projects) then claim he has a work meeting or he needs to work late - he may even pop in on her in the morning... maybe. There may even be other women!
--Arlynn goes home right away (He insists) - Lance finishes work and then meets up with a woman (Sheila) - he often doesn't come home until 7 pm and then claims to have grabbed something to eat a the office (though when she thinks about it - he is not one to buy food out and about = too expensive for his cheap self - though she may ignore this thought). He also goes in to work early to get stuff done so he can leave earlier. He does not do this everynight, but often enough - he likes the thrill of it and is looking for something 'more'. He is good looking and knows it.
-- if she leaves her key with Sheila they may be a blow up if she comes in when he's with another woman - or he may ask for the key back and Sheila, also manipulative, may give it but not before making her own copy of the key - later she is able to walk in on him -- Jim finds this out through the work grapevine and passes the information on to Arlynn (which she can use against him when he comes to try to take her back!)
--he often tells her "No one else could love ever love you like I do." - this could be a promise or a threat... in the beginning it seems more of a promise, but over time, with her lowered self esteem it takes on a harsher light and is more of a threat - Arlynn does not see herself as someone others would really want to be interested in.

--At the Warehouse, Lance is with work acquaintances - he leaves his group to pursue her.... I also wonder if he 'stalks' her a bit after he first sees her out with her friends??!!

NOTES: October 11, 2018
--Lance will tell Arlynn that she looks fine when she asks, though he is not looking at her when he says it and then later when they are out of the apartment and it is too late to change, he will look at her and say, "You're wearing that?" this makes her feel soooo small and self conscious. At the event, she remains self conscious and quiet. This ensures she does not socialize and network like she probably used to - whe simple stands around, close to Lance making him look good and keeping her mouth shut. This is how he controls her at outings.

--If she is late for any reason (i.e. stopping off at a bookshop) he will accuse her of meeting someone.

--He is not happy that she has set up a password on her computer - this is the first time she in a long time she has done something ton her own - not what he thinks or what he wants. MAKE SURE I MAKE THIS KNOWN.
--Claims not to use her computer, but yet he knows about the password so he must (you'd have to use it to know that)
"I have no reason to use your computer. I have my own."
--but Lance has deleted emails and texts and phone calls from her phone and computer - to that she has missed out on opportunities without realizing it.

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** Image ID #1855238 Unavailable ** My owl signature from Gemini Gem. Winter trail scene
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