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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/946514-November-29-2018
Rated: 13+ · Book · Activity · #2056808
This contains entries to Take up Your Cross, Space Blog, Blog City PF and BC of Friends
#946514 added November 29, 2018 at 7:04am
Restrictions: None
November 29. 2018
"November 29. 2018 Me in my Salvation Army uniform Blog City image smallImage for BCOF members to put in their blogs

Blog City image small "Prompt: "You have delighted us long enough." Mrs. Bennet said this to her daughter Mary after she sang off key while playing the piano in Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austen. When have you been delighted by people long enough?"

I am usually delighted enough as Mary says, when I walk down the halls of the Veterans Home in which I live and hear the ongoing debate that occurs between two men here who stand around in the hallway debating the meaning of Bible passages that neither have an understanding of. Neither of them make any effort to attend chapel or other regular Bible studies where they can sit under men who actually do know what they are talking about and perhaps learn the truth. Instead they would rather debate passages out in the hallway, making themselves sound like they have some knowledge when in truth neither of them would know Jesus from John the Baptist. Suggesting to them that they should come to Bible study and discuss their topics is useless. It has been tried dozens of times and they always make excuses. There are times I want to simply tell them to shut up. I have interfered a time or two if their discussion was on an important doctrine and set them as straight as I could but I'm sure that was blown off afterward. I've made up my mind to steer clear of their debates as much as possible. As chaplain of the Veteran's Home and as a Christian I have an obligation to "correct, rebuke, and teach" whenever possible. II Timothy 3: 16. However I won't get involved in their foolishness because doing so only fuels them. So like Mary I usually think "Okay. You've impressed us long enough. Now SHUT UP!"

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs Prompt: "What's your favorite holiday movie? Is it a tradition like one you watch every year or something that you've recently discovered? Like mine is It's A Wonderful Life,I could probably repeat every line verbatim but I still watch every year because its a feel good movie."

I'm not a big fan of movies, television, or radio. In fact I don't even own a television even though cable is provided where I live free of charge. I do have my cable turned on because it provides my internet but I only use that for email, college, and writing. With that said though there are some movies that I will be looking for on DVD to play on my computer because I watch them every Christmas. One is "A Christmas Carole" any version. I have seen every version made and liked them all. I even liked "Scrooged" even though I don't care for a lot of contemporary movies. So I will be going over to the rec hall as soon as I complete finals and looking for A Christmas Carole.
I also love both versions of "Miracle on 34th Street." I love any situation in which the underdog wins and this is certainly one. I never really thought of Santa as the underdog but this portrays a harmless old man being railroaded by a corporation. I love watching him win! I have seen both the old version and the new and I love them both. If I can find them I will watch each back to back even though I know the outcome.
Finally I like all three versions of Home Alone. My favorite character is Marvin or "Marv". Since my given name is Marvin perhaps I'm a bit biased but I think he is comical. I especially like Home Alone 2 when Marv encounters the arc welder and goes from human to skeleton and back. I laugh so much my sides hurt!

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