This blog contains responses to blog prompts, & thoughts on spiritual or religious themes |
Kamal (Perfection), 18 Qawl (Speech) 175 B.E. - Monday, December 10, 2018 The "Blogging Circle of Friends " prompt for DAY 2213 December 10 is Human Rights Day. The United Nations General Assembly created this day on December 10, 1948 to prompt Human Rights around the world. Use this day to inspire your blog entry. Seventy years ago, the United Nation released "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights", which emphasized that everyone on Earth has the right to dignity and equality. In the intervening years many governments across the planet (even those who are members of the United Nations) has ignored this declaration, either to their own citizens or to immigrants seeking asylum and a new home. There are probably several reasons for this; however, (in my opinion) the main reasons are lack of maturity and holding to old, and outdated, ways of thinking. "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood." Since World War II, and the Nazi genocide, human rights have become a concern to the entire human race and every nation on the planet. We, humanity, cannot focus on the rights of one segment of the human species, as opposed to those of all the others. We are living in a new age, an age in which humanity (as a species) is moving toward justice and unity. This demands new ways of thinking, and a different approach to human rights than those taken in the past. The "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" proclaims the approach to human right that must be taken as humanity matures. Footnotes |