A blog to house my musings, curiosities, and fascinations. |
Well! Happy 2019, everybody! We made it! I think it’s important at the start of anything to reflect back on how you got to that point. It helps to put things in perspective, which I find especially helpful since I tend to worry about small stuff and get stuck in the difficulties of the “now,” but forget the strength I’ve had to overcome the difficulties of the past. So, I saw someone else do this, and I liked it enough to do it myself Condensing a year into only a few sentences is hard enough, but it also forces you to pick out the most important moments that shaped your story. Below is my paragraph reflection on 2018. I started off 2018 in an internship making $5 an hour, working like a mad-woman to prove myself and build myself a position with the organization. It was more work than I thought I could handle, but I relied on my strengths and was honest with myself, which led to me proving myself valuable enough to be hired in September into the position I created. Now, at 24, I hold the position title of Coordinator working at the intersection of my community and the environment, which is something I’ve always wanted to do. Outside of work, my year has been intellectually fulfilling with taking graduate classes online, jumping back into WDC, and completing my first ever NaNoWriMo novel. I am also very proud of myself for losing 20lbs in the last three months. Overall, words that characterize my 2018 are: perseverance, engagement, grit, ingenuity, honesty, and growth. Here’s to an even better 2019! And now, to start my year off on a good foot, I’ve got some goals for January! Review: 15 for "Anniversary Reviews" (8/15 done) 12 for "SuperTower Review Room MB Rewards" 10 for "Invalid Item" 10 for "SugarCube's Monthly Random Contest!!" Read: “A Sand County Almanac” by Aldo Leopold Write Product Review for "CLOSED!The Monthly Reading Challenge" : "A Sand County Almanac and Sketches Here and There" “A Jar of Hearts" by Jennifer Hillier Write Product Review for "CLOSED!The Monthly Reading Challenge" : "Jar of Hearts" “A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking Write Product Review for "CLOSED!The Monthly Reading Challenge" : "A Brief History of Time" Enter Contests: "Plot Support - Results announced!" or "Invalid Item" for January "The Contest Challenge" "Invalid Item" for August "The Contest Challenge" January "a very Wodehouse challenge" Blog entry about what I am a grandmaster of Blog entry about what I want to be a grandmaster of 500 word summary of five grandmasters in history Story/poem using chess pieces as characters "Dear Me: Official WDC Contest" "The Prompt Me Contest" at least 3 times "Invalid Item" at least 3 times "Invalid Item" at least once "SugarCube's Monthly Random Contest!!" at least once Continue Regular Commitments: Jan 16-18 review crediting for "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group" Jan 19-20 Raid review crediting for "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group" Sleep and update "Habit Heroes " every morning: "Emily - Sign up and Tracking for January" General administration, prompting, and judging for the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS" Here I come, 2019! ~~~Emily |