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by Seuzz
Rated: GC · Book · Occult · #2183311
A high school student finds a grimoire that shows how to make magical disguises.
#952782 added February 22, 2019 at 12:32pm
Restrictions: None
Preparing for a Kim-personation
Previously: "Someone to Watch Over Me

(Written by rugal b.)

But Kim is just too tempting a target. She's a nosy busybody who makes it a point to get to know everyone, what they're doing and what's going on. If she wanted to she could basically run the entire school herself, set herself up real good (and if you'd decided on that cockamamie idea of being a drug kingpin she would've made a good hiding spot you muse) but she wouldn't do that. Kim is way too nice. When she stops someone in the halls, when she was talking to you at the Donna... she's genuine. There's no malice from her. She's not (intentionally) patronizing. It's why she's so well-liked.

Even, apparently, by a former hulking basketball player trapped in the body of a scrawny twerp. You're curious to find out just what it was that Gordon got up to with Kim at that party. Did they hang out? Did they flirt? Was it something else entirely? Something more?

You run a finger over one of the blank masks and another over one of the finished mind bands. Becoming Kim Walsh. Becoming the senior class president. A girl who you were once on equal terms with but whose popularity has far eclipsed your own... yet she's always remained unpretentious and with a minimum of ego.

It frustrates you now that you think about it. Why did you have to get so hung up on Lisa? If a fucking caveman like Gordon could put the moves on Kim and charm her, why couldn't you have done the same? You've got twice, no three times the brains he does. You could've totally done it as well and then you could've left Lisa in the dust with that dickhead boyfriend of hers while you and Kim... you and Kim...

You sigh.

No, you totally couldn't have done it. Because what Gordon lacks in brains he makes up for in confidence; in swagger. He believes he's a big deal, he caress himself like a big deal. The phrase "fake it 'till you make it" could describe him as easily as it could describe the predicament you've found yourself in. Gordon got in a fight with Seth Javits. He's getting invite-only tryouts for the basketball team. He's going to all these parties and putting the moves on Kim Walsh and, who was it Caleb said, Dorothy Harmon?

In a week or two he's made Will Prescott into a rising star while you spent years wallowing in obscurity.

You definitely couldn't have done what he did. But that was before. Things are different now. You've got the masks, you've got Caleb and these idiot (but well-meaning) sophomores. You outsmarted a scary drug dealer like Dwayne and your wild plan to get Evie back after your own mistakes actually worked. So you're actually feeling confident yourself. No, you won't have to fake it now. Because with these masks you're not faking it. You're not going to pretend to be Kim Walsh, you're going to be Kim Walsh.

The mane of curly red hair, the slim build with the surprisingly perky breasts and cute butt, the cute face, the intelligence, the popularity, the achievements, the place at the top... all yours. Because they all belong to Kim Walsh and very, very soon you think as you eye the masks once more, you will be Kim Walsh.

You'll have to be because you're certainly no longer Will Prescott anymore. That life was lost the minute Caleb slapped that mask onto Gordon. You've been a... thing. A being with no identity floating from once face to the next trying to find some place, any place, to settle. A vagrant looking for a new home. Well, you've found it and you could hardly have gotten a better one.

* * * * *

Caleb, with Bhodi and Andy in tow, stops by after school. You give them the masks and bands that they'll need, the goop, everything else. You make sure to tell them about using their hair in the masks as well to make sure that their replacements are under their control. They inform you that they're going to get Justin too because they're going to be making his swap later tonight after Andy's settled into Webb.

You fret when they live, pacing around the room and grumbling that they're going to mess up. Caleb reassures you that they're going to be fine. You're not so sure. Andy and especially Bhodi seem to have good heads on their shoulders, all of these sophomores do, but they're just so... immature. You can't just freak out and do it, that's how you end up in situations like the one you find yourself in. Caleb again reassures you though. He tells you that he's the one who spent a week with them, working closely with them as they all went through the book. If they were fuck ups they couldn't have gotten this far, even with him helping them.

You decide that's a convincing enough argument because you don't really have a counter for it. He asks what you're going to do and you tell him that you'll be swapping into Kim.

"Aiming high," he says with a whistle.

"She's right there if I go back to the Donna tonight," you tell him. "If I wanted someone she's the easiest to get."

"I'd be easier," he counters, "but I don't think you'd want to be me."

"I want to keep on eye on Gordon," you admit. "Obviously Gordon's been talking to her and even if he wasn't..."

"Yeah, yeah I getcha," Caleb says before taking his leave. You tell him that you'll get in touch with him once the switch is made. Not to talk, just shooting him a text indicating everything's good. You'll want the night to settle in before talking to everyone else.

* * * * *

You fix the mind band that contains the copy of your brain to the inside of Dane's mask. It's an ad hoc solution but it'll get the job done and you hope that just Dane being physically present will be enough to soothe Mrs. Matthias, otherwise you'd have to work on a way of getting close to Dane so you could get a band on him too; you've decided to leave he and Gordon where they are.

You check the bag to make sure you have the rest of the stuff you need: Dane's mask, the sealant, the blank band and mask, the golem goop. You'll be using that last bit on Dane's mask once you've got Kim out and the blank is copying her. You're worried that out here in the Donna's parking lot the smoke from the process will attract attention. In a room with a locked door and closed blinds you won't have to worry about it.

"Will!" Kim says with surprise as you saunter up to the front desk. "The clerk told me you'd checked out this morning."

"Ah, yeah I did," you say nervously. "I went over to LayZee Nights but..."

"It's rough," Kim completes your thought as she scrunches up her face.

You nod. "Oh, but how'd the clerk know it was me specifically?"

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry Will!" Kim exclaims as her eyes widen and she draws her hands up to her mouth. "I told her to look out for you because I knew you from school and I was kind of, um, interested about you being here. I didn't say anything though because, um, well, you said there's nothing going on right?"

"I did," you say. You're suddenly feeling very nervous and fidgety. "Look, can we talk?"

Kim's eyes get even wider. "Will?" she asks.

"Just... give me the same room I had," you tell her. "And, uh, if it's not too much trouble could we..."

"Of course!" she declares. You watch her operate the computer and tap away at the keyboard for a moment. "Okay, done. You're set up. I comped you for tonight since..."

"Thanks," you tell her.

She stands up, grabs a key, walks around the desk and the two of you head out of the office and towards the door. Nothing is said as the two of you walk together past the doors and unlit windows. Several times you feel the urge to speak up and say something to her or ask her a question but nerves get the better of you and you push them back down.

Why are you so nervous now? Earlier you'd been thinking to yourself, talking this big game about how you were Kim and now that she's right here, at your side and inches from you you're clamming up. What happened with her and Gordon? Beyond her own desire to help, why is she so interested in you? Could she be interested in you beyond wanting to help? Your heart is pounding as she unlocks the door and flips the lights on as she walks in. You follow and lock the door behind you.

Could you have a chance with Kim? Could she be your girlfriend? Could she be your ally if you were honest with her?

She stops by the bed, turns and clasps your hands. "Will," she says with a mix of affection and concern. "You, um, you wanted to... to continue right? What we did on Saturday?"

"Uh, what we did?" you ask. You're sweating now. "Um, look, it'd be nice but Saturday is kind of a blur. The last few weeks are. What did we..."

Kim gives you a curious look, she still holds your hands but backs off a bit. She's studying you, looking you up and down. "Will, we can... I'll tell you everything. We can do... whatever," she says. Your heart is pounding now. "But I want you to tell me the truth first. Something is going on with you Will. You're acting different, you're staying here and giving contradictory stories about not being here. Will, what's happening with you? I want you to be completely honest with me."

That's all for now.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/952782-Preparing-for-a-Kim-personation