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by Seuzz
Rated: GC · Book · Occult · #2183311
A high school student finds a grimoire that shows how to make magical disguises.
#952783 added February 22, 2019 at 12:34pm
Restrictions: None
The Bodyguard
Previously: "Clouds of Fame and Glory

"Fuck," you growl. "That was one of the best things about missing school, not having Kelsey around to scowl at me." The rich, snooty Kelsey Blankenship has never looked at you with getting a nasty curl in her lip. It's like she's allergic to you.

Caleb shrugs and shuts the door behind him. "So I guess I'm going to be a good guy and help you polish stuff up? The other guys are antsy to get themselves some new identities."

"They figure out a way to get to who they want?"

"Sounds like it. Bhodi's gonna try setting up a thing tomorrow with that soccer player for Andy. They think that if they can get to him they can get to that wrestler Orr's got the hots for, and after that they can get to anyone they want."

You say nothing, but you can't help wondering if the guys are underestimating how hard it might be.

* * * * *

Caleb helps you all evening, and the next day (with nothing else to do) you work some more. By the time it's ready for to school let out you have polished up all the masks and have runes carved into a majority of the brain bands. You also have half a dozen containers of golem paint, one for each of the people (Justin, Joe, Grant, Andy, Mrs. Matthias, and yourself) who will need it.

Caleb has brought Bhodi and Andy with him when he stops by at a little after four-thirty. The two sophomores are very quiet, and stare at the masks with a grave anxiety that is easy to read on their faces. "So, you ready for this thing?" you ask them. "When's it happening? This afternoon?"

Bhodi licks his lips. "Yeah."

"You gonna need any help?"

Caleb answers for them. "From who?"

"From us," you reply. You've been through enough with these guys—earning their trust, helping them with masks, loaning them your brain, helping them outwrestle and outwit a dangerous drug dealer—that you hate to think of them screwing things up at this late moment.

Caleb snorts, but Bhodi looks grateful. "Justin'll be there to help," he says. "But if you want to supervise—"

"I want an excuse to get out of this place. I'm going stir crazy. So, checklist," you snap your fingers at Caleb, and ignore the jaundiced glance he shoots you. "Make sure we have everything we need ..."

* * * * *

You're happy with the supplies you brought, but you're not at all happy with the location that the guys have chosen to make their ambush: the athletic fields next to South Creek Park. That complex of soccer/football fields, batting cages, and spectator bleachers is wide open from every direction; and though it is currently deserted, anybody might drive into the parking lot at any moment.

In fact, here comes someone now! Sweeping along on a mountain bike!

You let out your breath when you see that it's Andrew Webb, but you don't relax. The position is still exposed.

You and Caleb are scrunching in the front seat of his car, while Bhodi, Andy, and Justin are standing out in the middle of one of the soccer fields. The other four insisted that you and Caleb hide out for the moment: Bhodi had challenged Andrew to come out to the Clevenger Athletic Fields for a "soccer duel" to settle the differences between them, and your presence and Caleb's would look weirder than Justin and Andy's. But you're tense all over as Andrew—looking pink and healthy and assholish in his buzz cut, his shorts, and his sleeveless tank top—struts out with a raised chin to meet Bhodi and the others. "That's one confident motherfucker," Caleb mutters. You silently agree, for you now more vividly remember the fight you had with him when you were playing Bhodi for a day.

The other three surround him, but he pays no attention to Andy or Justin but sticks his face into Bhodi's. Even at this distance you can see the glares they give each other. Bhodi puts his hands on his hips (as do Justin and Andy) but Andrew keeps his arms loose at the side; and when he raises a hand you half expect him to pop Bhodi in the gut, but he only lays a finger on the other's chest. Bhodi shows his teeth, and you catch your breath as Justin grabs Andrew by the shoulders and Andy springs at him with an upraised palm.

It's over in that moment: Andrew's legs buckle and he sinks to the grass, taking Justin with him. The other two squat down next to him; Bhodi's head pops up and he looks at you.

You're already out of the car, though, and sprinting fast toward them. "How was that?" Bhodi yells at you.

Caleb (several paces behind you) answers: "That was the brain band you used? Sweet and smooth!"

"Yeah, pretty good," you agree, but wheel to survey the horizon. There's no pedestrians or other observers on foot, and traffic on the nearby boulevard hasn't slowed. Still, that doesn't mean someone won't come along and notice an unconscious high schooler. "Make a circle around him," you order. "Block him off from view."

"Then get down here yourself!" Caleb snaps, and he hauls you into a squat with the others. "Relax. You're the one who's gonna get noticed if you don't stop freaking out."

You make a face, but acquiesce. "Andy, is your mask ready?" you ask him.

He nods. "And I copied myself into that brain thing on the ride over." He fumbles at his shirt pocket.

"The golem paint?"

"Dang," Andy mutters. "Um, it's back in the car."

"I'll get it," Justin says, and he jogs off.

"You're making them nervous, Will," Caleb says.

"I don't mean to." You pat the pale-faced Andy on the arm. "You're doing fine. It's a great thing you're doing for Bhodi. Taking the spot of this asshole, I mean." You nudge the unconscious Andrew.

Andy's eyes fall. An awkward silence envelops the group.

Then Bhodi speaks. "It's a, uh, really great thing you're doing," he says. "Helping us out."

You look up at him with wide eyes. He sounds sincere, and his eyes are sincere when they meet yours.

You drop your own gaze. "Well, thanks. Nice of you to say so, considering that I, uh—" You feel yourself blushing.

"You're making it up to us," Andy says. He seems to regret the words as soon as they're out, and hangs his head.

You clasp your arms around your knees, and for a lack of anything less mortifying to look at, you stare down at Andrew Webb. God, even knocked out he looks like an asshole, you think. The fine blonde hair trimmed down to a glittering buzz cut; the too-pink skin, like that of a lightly boiled lobster; the shorts and the wife-beater; and even unconscious, his soft lips curve into a light smirk under an insolent snub nose. You knew guys like that in middle school—

"If you want to make things up to Evie," Bhodi says, interrupting your reminiscence, but then falls silent as Justin returns with a plastic tub. He squats next to Andy, and together they work to pluck some out some of the sophomore's hair and burn it inside the mixture.

"You were saying something," you tell Bhodi as Andy starts applying the paint to the inside of his mask with a brush.


"Something about Evie. I want to keep making things up for you guys, and she's— Well, she got it worse than anyone."

Bhodi dips his head, and his lank bangs fall into his face.

"I was in a car with her for, like, seventy hours," you continue, "but we didn't talk that much. I'd still like to get square with her."

Bhodi brushes his hair back. "Well, there's people you could help her out with. Like Andy's doing with me."

Caleb speaks before you can: "I thought Joe was helping her out there."

"Well, yeah. But there's others."

"Who others?" you ask.

"On the JV squad." He looks up. "Caleb says that you're, uh, looking for a new, um, person to be?"

You feel your face tighten. "I'd kind of like to stay in the senior class," you murmur. Bhodi nods, and his shoulders sag.

"Thing's coming out of him," Justin says, and he lifts the metal band off Andrew's forehead. "Mask?" Andy hands him a mask; it vanishes as Justin sets it on Andrew's face.

"Are there any seniors who could help Evie out?" you ask. "Anyone on the varsity soccer squad?"

Bhodi sucks on his lower lip and says nothing for a very long time. "Hannah Westrick," he finally says. "Evie says that she's the one who's really got it in for her."

"That girl Gabriela," Andy says. "The one that looks like a gang member."

You hadn't thought about choosing a female identity, but you keep your mouth shut.

"Hannah Westrick," Caleb says. "Isn't that the girl that Garner's dating?" He nudges you. "I bet he could talk his girlfriend into going easy on Evie."

"Anyone else?" you ask.

"Austin Dougherty's supposed to be, like, keeping an eye on us for the varsity squad," Bhodi says. "He could maybe say something."

"There's the mask," Justin says. You look down. Indeed, the mask has reappeared on Andrew's face. Gingerly, Justin picks it up, examines it, then holds it out to Andy, who takes it as though it is burning to the touch.

Caleb nudges you and stands. "Come on," he says. "We're done here."

That's all for now.

© Copyright 2019 Seuzz (UN: seuzz at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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