This contains entries to Take up Your Cross, Space Blog, Blog City PF and BC of Friends |
"March 4, 2019" (image:1971183-33%} "Prompt: What church do you attend and why?" I am a member of the Salvation Army. Yes the Salvation Army is a church. I attend the Salvation Army and am a soldier there because I believe being a soldier calls me to a higher standard of living. As a soldier I signed a covenant declaring that I would stay away from worldly behaviors. I do not drink alcohol, use tobacco or any mind altering drugs that are not prescribed by a physician. I do not violate the sanctity of marriage and if I am married I do not seek a divorce. I do not engage in pornography. I basically live to a higher standard and sign a covenant saying I will do so. I like signing the covenant because it gives me something tangible to look at and say "Yes, repentance is a way of life for me. Christ is my Lord and here is my evidence of my commitment." "Prompt: March Fourth or March Forth." I like March forth because as a soldier in the Salvation Army I am called upon each day to march forth into spiritual war and serve on the front lines with Jesus Christ. I live in Huntington WV, which is caught up in an opioid epidemic. Opportunities to serve come along all the time. Daily I see people throwing their lives down the tubes. Jesus asks us to reach out to people. My ex wife just passed away a week ago and it reminded me of just how fragile life is. I am now making sure that each thing I do is intentional. Take nothing for granted because it may be the last thing you ever do. ** Image ID #1871183 Unavailable ** Prompt: In what ways can you expose yourself to outside ideas, interests, and viewpoints to use in your writing, aside from your reading and the internet? I'm a college student. I'm constantly exposed to new ideas. I am also the owner of a shiny new blog.