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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/955039
by Seuzz
Rated: GC · Book · Occult · #2183561
A high school student finds a grimoire that shows how to make magical disguises.
#955039 added March 26, 2019 at 11:13am
Restrictions: None
Dealing with the Durrases
Previously: "A Double Cross

Go home disguised as Justin? That'll be impossible, given that Frank and Joe Durras still have that mask. but you can't explain that to Blackwell without explaining things that you'd rather not have to explain. So you tell him that you'll have to go back home as Cindy and swap back into Justin there. "What are you going to do with Shabbleman?"

"Oh, I have ways of handling him," Blackwell says. "Don't concern yourself." He doesn't inquire further into the logistics of your upcoming swaps, and when you ask about Lucy, he tells you that he will put her mask upon the golem that is waiting in the mausoleum.

* * * * *

When you're back at the Vredenburg's you look for Frank and his brother by putting a call in to Justin. "Any trouble finding the car?" you ask.

"Nope, everything's back to normal around here," he replies in Justin's baritone. "We were going to talk tomorrow. Something come up?"

"I was just thinking that I'll need to take Justin back before I see Blackwell again," you say. You press your hand against your forehead. You are now lying to both Blackwell and the Durrases, and keeping your stories vague but plausible is even harder because you're not sure which side you're going to land on. "Can we meet for a swap? He might call you, looking for me."

"And what will we do with Cindy," he asks. "I'm not putting her mask on."

"Well, someone has got to wear it. She has to go home at some point."

"So where've you got the real Justin stashed? We'll hang her face on his."

"He's-- He's under another mask. What will we do with that mask?"

Durras breathes into the phone. "Bring everyone out to my place," he finally says. "We'll get things sorted out."

That would mean revealing your true identity, and you hesitate a good long time before agreeing. So it looks like you're going to be working with the Durrases--at least until you get a better feel for the situation. "Alright," you sigh. "Where do we meet? Justin's?"

He grunts a negative, and gives you a different address.

* * * * *

It's a modest house in rather rancid neighborhood just south of the Keyserling College campus—where it's mostly college students rooming . Justin's car is already parked out front, but it's Joe who answers the door. His eyes shine with mischief as he glances between you and "Will Prescott." "It was a good trade you made," he says. "You're a lot more kissable as a girl."

"Fuck you and shut up." You brush past him; the Will-golem follows, a confused look on his face. "Your folks home?"

"Nah, just me and Frank. Yo, sexy legs!" he calls, and Justin appears. Joe jerks his head at Prescott. "Your new look. Sucks to be you."

"Wrestle you for him," Frank retorts. "But you know how it would turn out with that bum arm of yours. Start getting undressed." Joe makes a face and starts to pull off his shirt.

"Hang on," you say. "I guess we're partners now, and I should play it straight with you. You can't wear Prescott." They both pause. "That mask has a special layer. You put it on, and you disappear. Justin's asleep or something under that thing. The same thing would happen to you."

Joe and Frank look at each other. "Why didn't you see the problem?" Frank growls at his brother. Joe responds by shoving him hard. Frank flies at him, and only seconds later has him pinned to the ground. "You can be such a fucking moron sometimes." He glares down at Joe.

"So what are we going to do?" you sigh.

"As long as I'm down here you could sit on my face," Joe chirps. Frank slaps him hard. "Well, I don't know," Joe yells at his brother. "You're supposed to be the fucking brains in this partnership."

"I want that book," Frank says, and he looks up at you with a terrible expression. "Can you get it for us?"

You lick your lips. "I don't know where Blackwell keeps it. It's like the prize in his collection. But he works late at the college on Wednesdays. I guess I could go in tomorrow and snoop around for it."

"You'll take Joe with you," Frank orders. "I'll just ignore any calls your boss puts in. You can have Justin after school tomorrow, and I'll hide your bitch's face until you get back."

"Hide her in your pants, you mean," Joe mutters. Frank hits him again. Blood trickles out of Joe's nose.

Frank rises from his brother's chest and stalks over to you, a fell light in his eyes. "You're working with us now," he says in a voice edged with steel. "Not a fat old duffer who mixes potions in his basement. You fuck with me and--" He snaps his fingers, and you choke. It feels like razor blades have lodged in your throat. You gasp and put your hand to your mouth, and when you look down find it covered in a fine red spray. You step back, staring at Durras with open-mouthed terror.

"I love and respect my brother," Frank Durras says. "And I busted his arm myself as punishment when he fucked up our raid on Blackwell's.

"So think about what I'd do to you," he adds in a whisper. "And be very afraid."

* * * * *

Whatever transpired between the brothers after you left seems not to have dimmed Joe's sunshine, for he's loose and chipper the next day when you pick him up at Eastman after school. "Are you all gross and slimy under that mask?" he asks with insolent familiarity after he's slid into Justin's car with you. (You're dressed out like Justin again.) "Like a lich? Those things are totally nasty, you know. You don't wanna wind up as one."

"I haven't looked in a mirror in awhile," you mutter.

"Did Frank see you?"

"We changed in separate bathrooms."

"You're no fun. Bet your real face would freak Frank out, and a fine Frank freakout, I frankly feel, would float my frigate."

"You talk too much."

"You don't talk enough. Try a tongue twister. 'Too tight tongues tell no tall tales, but loose-lipped louts slip lots of slop'." You grunt, but he goads you until you repeat it all back. He laughs at your discomfort. "Okay, that's enough goofing off. Tell me about where we're going. The inside. I know all about the outside."

You describe Blackwell's house, with more detail than you'd realized you've picked up. Joe questions you casually but closely all the way out. Then he turns very quiet when you pull up to find an SUV parked out front. "I thought you said he'd be at the college."

"I've never really come out here when he's not expecting me," you lamely admit. He gives you a penetrating look, which you're able to return only because you're telling the truth. Not the whole truth, of course, for you recognize the vehicle ...

He shrugs. "Maybe it's the cleaning service," he says. "Only one way to find out."

Lucy Vredenburg answers the door, which doesn't surprise you. "Professor Blackwell's not here," she says coolly.

"Mind if we come in and wait?" Joe asks. Lucy stares at him, then stares at you, then steps aside. "Have we met before," Joe asks as he passes her. "I never forget a face." But he's staring at her bosom.

"No," she firmly replies. "The living room is down there, around the corner."

Joe saunters on ahead. You follow more slowly, and pause in the hallway to look back at her. She raises an eyebrow. "I'll get us something to drink," you call to Joe, and duck back down another hallway into the kitchen. Lucy steps in after you.

"Who is he and why did you bring him here?" she asks point blank.

"I assume talking to you is like talking to Blackwell?" you quietly ask. She gives only the smallest nod of her head.

Frank's warning flashes vividly through your head. To double-cross Joe--even to pretend to double-cross him, which may be necessary in the circumstances--is a terrible risk, but it seems the only way to explain this visit.

Next: "Larceny and Other Larks

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/955039