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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/963331-September-23-2019-Spiritual-Newslette
Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #562186
Each snowflake, like each human being is unique.
#963331 added September 27, 2019 at 1:47pm
Restrictions: None
September 23, 2019 Spiritual Newslette
Editor's Picks

1. Spiritual Interfaith Dialogue Importance
2. Writing Room
3. Life
4. Marguerite Porete
5. Space
6. 4 Controversies

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A Reader's Question Answered

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I was ask about what I believe.


A reader ask me what I believe

About This Newsletter

A reader ask me to write about what I believe. This quote by 'Abdu'l-Baha, son of Baha'u'llah, gives a basic answer. I will attempt to explain in more detail in the letter from the editor.

"The gift of God to this enlightened age is the knowledge of the oneness of mankind and of the fundamental oneness of religion.

War shall cease between nations, and by the will of God the Most Great Peace shall come; the world will be seen as a new world, and all men will live as brothers."


Letter From the Editor

In 1844, a young merchant declared to his first believer that he was The Bab, which means a messenger from God. He took the title of the Bab, and said that another divine messenger would soon come. The Bab was executed in 1850, and many of his followers (known as Babis) were imprisoned or killed. One of those followers Baha'u'llah (a title that means the Glory of God) was imprisoned and later exiled. In 1863, in a garden outside of Baghdad, Baha'u'llah declared that he was the one foretold by the Bab, and the one promised by earlier messengers from God.

Unity is the pivot of Baha'u'llah's teachings. It is expressed in the three onenesses. (1) There is only one God, with many names. (2) The foundation of all religions is one because all the divine messengers came from the same God. Each messenger came at different times in history to assist humanity in its spiritual and material progress. (3) There is only one race, which is the human race. All humans, no matter what their gender, color, etc., are equal in the sight of God and all have the right to equal treatment.

Some of the divine messengers, which were sent to humanity before the Bab, are Abraham, Moses, Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster, Christ, and Muhammad. One of the symbols of the Baha'i concept of divine unity are the Baha'i temples that are built on almost every continent across the world. Each temple has nine sides with nine doors. Everyone, no matter what their religion is or isn't, is welcome to go into the temple and meditate or pray.

That is basically what I believe. Please check out "The 4 Controversies Contest to learn about what other people in the writing.com community believe. If you would like to write about what you believe, I encourage you to do so and enter the contest. I know I will write a longer piece about my belief for the contest.

Editors Picks

 Invalid Item 
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#1973799 by Not Available.

Excerpt: There's this quote a Muslim said that describes our definitions of diversity...

Writing Room  (13+)
An Oriental Poetry Entry. (mGur)
#2199860 by Mastiff

Excerpt: Wind blows softly through the room,

 LIFE  (E)
life is an abstract thing which can not be neither comprehended nor understood
#2198951 by kalsoom naz

Excerpt: The word LIFE contains its own meaning in every person's experience according to their sufferings...

 Invalid Item 
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#2173779 by Not Available.

Excerpt: Not much is known about the French mystic Marguerite Porete...

 Invalid Item 
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#2198089 by Not Available.

excerpt: Over in another world in this other world called the internet I have been writing of the beauties of space as now being shown by the latest astronomical equipment. Just one example will suffice, and this one has been known for a long time, perhaps the most famous of all nebulae: the Horse's Head Nebula in Orion.

Activities, Groups, and Contests

The 4 Controversies Contest  (18+)
OPINIONS? Groovy! The 4C's is a 3X Quill Winner! Enter Your Non-Fiction Next in ?
#2083509 by Whata SpoonStealer

Quick-Quill writes: My question and answer is this. How can I become a friend? The key is communication. Friends talk. If you have a close friendship you talk all the time, share intimate details. Got it? Some people think God isn't interested in your daily events or thoughts. WRONG! If you pick up your phone to call your friend to share something and they don't answer, don't leave a long voicemail. Stop and share the whole thing with God. You don't think he cares? I beg to differ, just as often as you share your life with him, he will share his love and goodness in return.

shepherd46 writes: Wonderful and encouraging newsletter! You are right in saying a prayer meeting can be done anywhere and by anyone who is spiritual and has a need to pray or would like to help others.

Whata SpoonStealer writes: Can you please include my contest? Open from Sept 2 - October 7. The mandatory topic is a 1500 word minimum write on the word FAITH and what it does or doesn't mean to you. Thank you! *Smile*

Whata SpoonStealer writes: I find learning about all faiths (or most, certainly) fascinating. I would love a summary of your tenets—what you believe as far as a diety or lack thereof, perhaps how your faith views the making of the world, or why we are here? It sounds simple but speaking of faith is super hard for me and I admire the fact that you are always willing to share. You might enjoy writing more about your faith in my contest too, I wanted to be sure you know that *Smile*

I wrote ONE ITEM that isn't a poem on my beliefs, but it is so general. I was considering starting a list... just a bulleted list with simple sentences of what I believe in. There's so much though, it's a daunting prospect. Perhaps my entries this round will give me some ideas on how to write about it *Smile*

Always love the Spiritual nsl Neva, and thank you *Smile*


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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/963331-September-23-2019-Spiritual-Newslette