Gratitude breaks the spell of Writers Block |
Istijlál (Majesty}, 15 Kamál (Perfection) 176 B.E. - Thursday, August 15, 2019 Gratitude List for 15 Kamál Today I am thankful ... ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn this morning. ...for the chocolate brownie I had to go with my coffee this morning. ...that I have 687 points in my Survey Junkie account. ...for the chocolate milk I had with my breakfast this morning. ...that I have $34.07 in my Vindale Research account. ...that I have 63,200 in my YouGov account. Istiqlál (Independence}, 16 Kamál (Perfection) 176 B.E. - Friday, August 16, 2019 Poet's Intuition1 Sometimes, a poet has to follow her intuition in writing an ode. Is a poet's intuition her muse? I can't answer that question, because there a times when I call it my muse and other times I call it intuition. Gratitude List for 16 Kamál Today I am thankful ... ...that my Bank of America checking account is not overdrawn this morning. ...for the chocolate cookies I have to go with my coffee this morning. ...that I have 985 points in my Survey Junkie account. ...for fresh brewed black coffee. Footnotes |