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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/965305-October-21-2019-Spiritual-Newsletter
Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #562186
Each snowflake, like each human being is unique.
#965305 added October 27, 2019 at 4:38pm
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October 21, 2019 Spiritual Newsletter
Editor's Picks

1. Practical Philosophy: A New Perspective
2. Message from Above / All We Need to Know
3. Wither Faith
4. The Goals Week Seek: Soaring to Stive
5. God it There, Live Righteous Here

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Writing Spiritual Poetry

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What is and how do you write spiritual poetry?


Do you write spiritual, religious, or mystic poetry?

About This Newsletter

One of my favorite spiritual poems.
"Unless ye must,
Bruise not the serpent in the dust,
How much less wound a man.
And if ye can,
No ant should ye alarm,
Much less a brother harm."

‘Abdu’l-Baha Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Baha

Letter From the Editor

At the beginning of 2019, I set the goal to write 200 poems dedicated to the Bicentenary of the Birth of the Bab by October 29. So far, I have completed 168 and I need to complete 32 by the 29th. While I am no expert in writing spiritual, mystic, or religious poetry, I have learned a few things that could help in writing these types of poems.

1. Research the events surrounding the poem. Even if you don't use most of the research it will give you a deeper understanding of the cultural and the setting.

2. Find appropriate scriptures to inspire your poem. You don't have to use the scriptures if you don't want to. However, have the scriptural inspiration will assist in giving deeper meaning to the poem.

3. Pray and meditate before beginning the poem. Keep a pen and paper beside you while you meditate to write down any words or phrases that could be used in the poem.

4. If you think of a title that you might want to use, use it as a working title. Remember, you can always change the title when the poem is finished.

5. Don't stress! Even if you have a deadline to finish the poem, don't stress over it. If you find yourself stressing, take a break. Listen to uplifting music. Go for a walk. Get yourself a cup of your favorite hot or cold beverage.

6. Rewriting. I'm not qualified to give advice on rewriting, because when I do rewrite a poem I make so many changes that its a different poem.

Does anyone have any thoughts on writing mystic, spiritual, or religious poetry? Do you have any that you would like to submit to this newsletter?

Editors Picks

Practical Philosophy: A New Perspective  (E)
There are a limited number of alternatives to fix our problems. We need to find them!
#2191792 by Lone Cypress Workshop

Excerpt: "There are an infinite number of answers
         to an unlimited number of questions"

 Message From Above / All we need to know  (E)
Fiction or Not
#2201183 by JM Jr.

Excerpt: First I created space and the beginning of time. Then a world that would sustain life.

Whither Faith  (ASR)
A reflection on the big questions (trigger warning: religious heresy) Quill Award Winner!
#2202344 by Words Whirling 'Round

Excerpt: Faith is a one word oxymoron. It’s a mystery that contains its own contradiction. Faith requires belief in something that cannot be objectively proven true. Many (most?) people think faith is the absence of doubt, but they’re mistaken. Doubt is a necessary and important component of faith. It’s only when doubt is acknowledged and accepted that true faith develops. Faith necessarily contains both belief and uncertainty - “I don’t know that God exists, but I choose to believe.”

 The Goals We Seek: Soaring to Strive  (E)
God’s active influence on the achievement of goals - a poem.
#2202547 by Tim Chiu

Excerpt: Seeking pure Heaven, God’s careful inclusion,
         Persists above vice, might lead to confusion.
         We’re rank to display any obvious wrongs -
         Prayer is most certain, as we praise through His songs.

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#1860967 by Not Available.

Excerpt: Live as you wish, but remember

Activities, Groups, and Contests

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#2203053 by Not Available.

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#2202694 by Not Available.

Zeke writes: The message in this writing is so very true. There really is only one race. Unfortunately too many believe otherwise.

shepherd46 writes: Very interesting piece! I didn't know any of this but it was interesting and insightful to read.

bob county writes: Dt.24:16 states the children shall not be punished for their father's sin.
The Apostle Paul states the all have fallen in Adam and all have been saved in Jesus.
Where is the individual responsibility for sin?
If an innocent man is punished for another man's crime is that just?
People can believe anything. Why is one faith better or more true than another?
Colossians 3:22 states, "Slaves obey your earthly masters."
Is slavery good? Is faith without question slavery?
Just curious. Bob County :)

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/965305-October-21-2019-Spiritual-Newsletter