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Rated: E · Book · Travel · #1779685
I travel the country on business, sometimes the world. Come see where I've been.
#965723 added September 6, 2019 at 9:33pm
Restrictions: None
Suitland, Maryland
Date: Week of September 2nd

Locale: Suitland, Maryland

         This week found me in Suitland Maryland for a class with the Federal Protective Services.  You probably just did what I did when I saw their name.  "Federal who?"  Th  *Smile*e Federal Protective Services are part of the Department of Homeland Security, and that's about all I know about them.

         This was an interesting class to deliver because they had no equipment we could access.  Well, for the most part that is.  Let's say that the most important piece we needed to access was no where nearby, and while we could have accessed it over the network, we couldn't do any testing on it without being there.  It just made for an interesting delivery is all.

         The students were great.  They understood the limitations imposed by the lack of equipment access, and we worked together to make sure they had the necessary information needed to support their system.  It was a short class too, only 3 days, and because we couldn't do much in the way of hands-on activities, I was done by noon today.  Sadly, my flight was at 6pm, and I just didn't feel like getting out much, so I sat around Reagan Airport in Washington DC for 5 hours, waiting to fly to Illinois.  Getting an earlier flight would have resulted in additional charges, and since I already had a reserved seat the same day, I couldn't really justify the expense of it.  It was okay though, I spent the day relaxing, or trying to.

         During a recent class in Schaumburg, one of my students told me to visit National Harbor, about 5 miles from my hotel.  Wow, what a nice time I had there.  Went there Wednesday and Thursday for dinner and had a great time.  It's an area on the waterfront (Imagine that.  It's called National Harbor, and sits on the water!) that consists mainly of shops and restaurants.  I was interesting the restaurants, not shopping.  Had a pretty good meal both nights.  You'll see my note below about one of the restaurants.

         National Harbor has quite a few statues around the streets.  You can see Maryland Monroe and her famous dress being blown up from behind scene, Rosie The Riveter, famous presidents, and a recreation of the famous couple kissing in NYC when it was announced WWII had ended.

Noteworthy Restaurants:

         The Walrus Oyster and Ale House          http://www.walrusoysterandale.com/assets/walrus-nh-main-summer2019.pdf  Their menu appealed to me, that's why I chose this place.  Their Fried Artichoke Hearts, Farmhouse Saison Beer Batter, Home Made Beer Salt, with Spicy Remoulade.  Yummy appetizer.  For dinner, I had their Shrimp & Grits.  It was good, but no where close to the fantastic dish served at Fleet Landing in Charleston, SC.

         Graces Mandarin          http://www.gracesrestaurants.com/menu/  I chose this location for Thursday mainly because their menu featured a Crab Stuffed Avocado.  I had that in Fort Collins Colorado last year; loved it, so thought I'd have it again.  Wasn't anything like the dish served at Smokin' Fins in Fort Collins.  It was good, but a major disappointment just the same.

Photo's From Visit:

A collection of statues of a member of each of the Armed Services

In Closing

         I will spend the weekend home before driving to Battle Creek Michigan Monday to deliver the same class to this customer again.  Til next time, be good to yourselves and those you love, and WRITE!

Jim Dorrell

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