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Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2199387
A tale of love and loss between two souls.
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#966246 added September 15, 2019 at 10:32pm
Restrictions: None
Call of the Night
         Maria’s hands sit still in her lap. Her whole body tenses as the air of the cart feels even more stuffy than before. The demon boy sitting across from her as a guard sits beside both of them. She glances at him from time to time as the carriage shifts. Getting a better look now that they’re sitting down so close. She can tell he looks bored, his hand shifting the curtain on the side back some to look out the window. Something she wishes she could do. She wonders why the guards don’t move to reprimand him for doing as she did before, but the thought is quickly dismissed as she stares at him more. The first thing she notices is that he has many more scars than she saw before. Small nicks across his arms and hands. The one that draws her eye the most however is a scar that wraps around the entire width of his neck. It looks perfectly cut and makes her wonder exactly how one would even get a scar like that. “Hey,” the word breaks through her train of thought as she looks up at where it came from. Seeing those ruby eyes glaring down at her as she realizes she was actually reaching out to touch the weird mark. Her hand is quickly drawn back however as she looks away with her face flushed. She can feel his eyes on her even when she’s not looking. Thankfully the cart stops after a few awkward moments as they arrive back at the castle.
         As soon as they arrive the cart doors are swung open to reveal rows of servants lining the path to the castle doors. “Welcome back, Princess,” they all say in unison as the guards help the young girl out. Cinder sits in the cart still and frowns as he watches before he hops out behind her. Some of the maids glancing up to stare at the interesting guest. Maria gestures for them to raise as she walks past. Creating a rising wave of servants that watch the boy as he passes behind. His gaze staring back indifferently. She smiles happily though as she reenters her home. Even though it’s much larger than the cathedral that caused her so much worry, it feels strangely comforting. “You may leave,” she tells all of the help as they step back inside. They bow before dispersing throughout the halls. Leaving the demon, princess, and the young brown-haired maid to stands there. “Um, the king told me to help guide you…” she says quietly, glancing nervously at Cinder as they all stand near the doorway. “Thank you, Ani,” Maria says with a smile, secretly happy that she doesn’t have to walk in silence with their guest. The two girls chat between themselves as Cinder follows behind. His eyes scanning the walls of the towering castle. Trying to take in all the interesting decoration choices. It looks just like what a stereotypical royal castle would. Hanging weapons and banners strewn across the halls along with paintings of people he can only guess have some historical significance to them. Maria looks back at him every so often, just to make sure he’s alright. Seeing him look around curiously at her family’s legacy. She’s never been one to brag about where she’s come from but she feels a bit of pride from letting him see it. “I bet you’re excited for the yearly festival today, Princess,” the maid says sheepishly to draw her attention away from the boy. “Maria,” she says while still looking at him before she turns back to smile at her new maid, “And I can’t help but be a bit.” “What is this festival thing for anyway?” Cinder pipes up from a couple feet behind. Maria’s eyes seem to light up as Ani flinches at his voice. “It’s a harvest festival to give thanks to our Great Lord for the year’s bounty,” she says excitedly as Cinder just watches her with minor interest. He just wanted to say something at all. “Do you think he should be allowed to go?” Ani asks quietly as she leans over to Maria. “Why shouldn’t he?” the princess asks looking caught off guard. “Well, being a demon, he could cause even more trouble…” she says softly as she glances back at him. Gasping when sees he’s no longer there.
         “Where did he go?” she seems to panic as she looks around frantically, Maria walking around in a circle to look too. “There’s a demon loose in the castle. We have to tell the king!” Maria quickly grabs her arm without thinking, momentarily looking down at their touching, not used to it. “Don’t make a fuss about it. I’m sure he just wandered off somewhere. Let’s look,” she acts calm but she wonders how her father would take this, and why the boy would leave in the middle of their tour. Ani seems to calm a little with her soft words, “If you say so…” “Ill look in the western part and you look in the east,” she states before she turns to hurry down her side of the corridor. Her eyes glancing all around as she tries to think of where he could have gone. There aren’t too many places to hide, not that she knows why he would. She runs shuffles down dozens of halls, checking in the library, garden, and bedrooms. But in the end, she finds no sign of their guest. “Did he leave?” she wonders as she slows her pace, the thought followed by a heavy feeling in her chest that she can’t describe. Her hand raises to rest on it as she hears the voice of her father snap her out of thought, “Maria! The festival is almost at hand!” Looking up at the nearest window she sees the darkening colors of the evening’s dawn. She must have been searching for hours. Taking the last bit of her energy she hurries to the room her father is calling her to.
         “I’m here, Father!” she gasps as she enters the dining hall. The king turning from his conversation with one of the chefs to smile at her. “What took you, my dear?” he remarks as he steps over to meet her, “It’s not like you to be late to a celebration.” He rubs his chin as he looks down at her in thought, “And where is that young fellow with the interesting name?” Her eyes widen as she remembers just why she was so tardy, “He um, went to use the restroom!” She stiffens under her father’s gaze, hoping he doesn’t see through her simple lie. “Hm. Well I do hope he returns in time for the festivities. The land has had a great bounty this year,” his jovial smile returns as she sighs in relief. She nods as she looks past him and sees Ani enter the room as well, huffing just as much as she was. The maid notices that she’s already there and shakes her head in defeat as she leans against a dining cart and takes deep breaths. “Maria, are you even listening?” her thoughts snap back to the king as she looks up to see him frowning now. “No, I’m sorry,” she admits as she looks down, but his big hand moves down to pat her head. “You’ve had a rough day. Haven’t you?” he says tenderly as his glove runs through her hair. “I’ll make sure to keep the banquet short,” he smiles gently as her head raises to smile back, “Thank you, Father.”
         As the day comes to an end the preparations are made in the dining hall. Maria feels a bit odd still wearing the dress she was made to wear for her ceremony, but she didn’t have time to change with having to look for Cinder. A pit of worry sits in her stomach at what could have happened to him as trays of expertly cooked food are brought out by the servants to sit in front of her and her father. A feast made only for them in the big hall. It always feels a little lonely with only the two of them eating the huge meal, but with her father sitting by her the feeling abates for the moment. She smiles contently as she watches him from across the table. The large man laughing as he drinks form his goblet and makes merry with the few servants he’s known for her entire life. His presence always bringing joy to even the stuffiest occasions. She picks up a spoon to sip from a bowl of soup that she’s told was especially made for her from the new cooks. She puckers her lips and raises it to her mouth to taste. Wanting to make a good first impression with them as much as they do with her. Her eyes open in shock though as no liquid meets her lips but solid soup. Pulling her face back to see that the brew is frozen into the spoon she’s holding. She gasps and drops it, clutching herself as her mind races. Everything going quiet except the thumping that returns in her chest. The cooks and maids staring at her with the same concern as her father. “Maria, are you alright?” he says from his seat. A look of worry evident on his face. “I’m fine,” she says with a small forced smile as she holds her chest. “Just feeling a little sick from today.” Her father nods, “It’s a shame you’ll miss the festival, but I understand.” She quickly stands and runs off for her room, leaving her father to swirl his drink in contemplation.
         As she shuts the large wooden door of her room behind her, she leans against it. Slumping down to sit on the floor as she hugs herself. Everything was going so well with meeting Cinder before, but now she thinks it might’ve been too good to be true. Tears start to form at the edges of her eyes as she mopes before she hears a strange sound from across the room. Looking up to see someone laying across the railing her balcony, chicken leg in hand. “Yo,” they say between bites, Maria just staring at them in shock before she stands. “Cinder!” she yells before he sits up and raises the leg to his mouth in a shushing motion. Taking another bite in the process. “Where have you been?” she asks in a loud whisper. He shrugs and swallows his current bite, “I saw something interesting. And since you two where chatting it up I decided to give myself my own tour.” Maria wonders whether she should be mad or happy that he’s reappeared and it’s apparently plain to see on her face as he just laughs and takes another bite. Jumping a bit on his precarious spot as an explosion rings out behind him. Turning to look as Maria runs forward and grabs the railing he’s sitting on. Gasping as she sees the ensuing light show starting below them. “The festival!” she says excitedly as fireworks fire into the sky, lanterns lighting up the wide city beneath them in an awe-inspiring display. “Isn’t it amaz-,” she turns with glee to exclaim to him but stops midsentence as she sees him staring intently at the lit-up kingdom. Seeing the lights reflect in his crimson eyes, she gets lost for a moment too. “Do you like it?” she asks softly as she turns to watch them with him. He doesn’t respond for a few moments, long enough to make her winder if he even heard her. “It just reminds me of something is all,” he states before he turns away to head inside. Leaving the girl to grin as she watches the people celebrate below them.
         Another thought breaks through her wonder however as she panics and runs in after him, “Wait. Don’t look at my room!” she yells in embarrassment as he stands and glances around it. The chamber filled with stuffed animals, fairy tale books, and pictures that it looks like a child drew. Her face burns as she tries to cover it. The boy snickering as he picks up a stuffed bunny by the ear, “A little old for these don’t you think?” She huffs at his teasing as she grabs it and sets the bunny down gently on the others, “These were all the friends I had when I was younger. I couldn’t abandon them.” She sighs as Cinder’s grin fades, an inquisitive look on his face as he watches her. “Go ahead and laugh,” she moves to sit on her bed, plopping down on it as her face remains downcast. She doesn’t hear anything but his footsteps before he sits on the frame of her bed, making it creak. “You’ve got more than me,” he says flatly as she turns to look up at him. His back to her as he faces the open balcony. She looks down at one of the hands holding him still on the railing before she hesitantly reaches out to take hold of it. It moves away however as he grunts and hops off, “But then again, you’ve got everything don’t you.” She quickly pulls her hand back as she starts to glare at him, “What do you mean?” “Oh, you know. Rich royal with a castle full of treasure. The usual,” he says as he stands out on the balcony with his back still to her. She crosses her arms as she gets defensive, standing to follow and give him a scolding. “What would you know about me?” she remarks as she draws near to him, “Nothing.” She can hear him start to chuckle as she moves to stand beside him, only growing more heated at his laughter. “You say that,” he cackles to himself before he turns to her, “But I can tell.” He leans his arms on the rail as he watches her with a smirk. “What’s that?” she asks dismissively. “The way you look whenever you stare out from this castle,” he says quieter, “Like a bird in a cage. You want out, don’t you?” Her eyes widen and so does his smile as he gets it right, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She turns away and turns up her nose at his inquiry, “I have a kingdom that I have to rule. I can’t leave.” “A kingdom you can’t even move around in,” he taunts as his face appears beside hers, “Admit it.” “I do not-,” her retort is cut off as he spins her around to face him. Her look softening as she sees him smiling at her from against the rail, his hand on her shoulder catching her off guard. “How are you-,” she starts to ask as she looks down at it before he speaks, “Come with me.” Her look is one of shock as her face turns to see him grinning just as much as before, “What?” The throbbing in her chest grows stronger as the thought finally starts to break into her mind. “I’ll show you what this world is like,” he says as he jumps up to stand on the balcony’s rail, “You don’t want to miss the festival after all.” Everything is telling her not to go with him; her duty to the kingdom, what her father and servants might say. Her heart on the other hand only tells her one thing, that she should go with him and take that chance. “So, what about it?” he asks with a wry smile.
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