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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/966962-November-18-2019-Spiritual-Newsletter
Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #562186
Each snowflake, like each human being is unique.
#966962 added November 20, 2019 at 11:18am
Restrictions: None
November 18, 2019 Spiritual Newsletter
Editor's Picks

1. Hardly Heathens
2. The Withering Light - Self-Righteousness
3. Humanity, Regardless of Race or Religion
4. Be the reason God finds in you a good life
5. Thanksgiving Blessing
6. Estranged
7. American Haiku

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Gratitude Inventory

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List the things you are grateful for in 2019


Can you list 12 things you are grateful for this year?

About This Newsletter


Nights are growing longer and colder,
as the tapestry of the year is rolled up
waiting to be stored in the closet of memory.

Golden threads of gratitude
highlight the joy experienced
in each passing month.

Letter From the Editor

Twenty Nineteen has been an interesting and stressful year, which means it is time to take inventory of the things you have to be thankful for. Can you think of, at least, one thing from each month that you are grateful for? Did someone share something with you that made you smile? Did you share something with someone else that made that person smile? Did you learn something new? Did you do something for the first time that you would like to do again? Is there something that you take for granted, that you would miss if you lost it?

Start your gratitude inventory by opening a document or opening your journal to a new page. At the top of the page write "Gratitude Inventory for 2019". Now begin your list with "I am grateful that in January of 2019 ...", and finish the sentence by writing something you are grateful for. After you finish the sentence or paragraph for January, go on to February. You write a sentence or paragraph for each month, so that when you finish this list in December you have twelve sentences or paragraphs listing your gratitude for the year.

If you cannot think of anything to list for January or February, reread your journal or blog entries for those months. Find something to be grateful for in each month, even if it is something as small as a cup of coffee with an old friend. Look at the routine or random events that happen each day, do they hold a clue to an event that goes on your gratitude inventory.

Editors Picks

Societal bigotry, intolerance, and hypocrisies put to rest
#1709041 by DRSmith

Excerpt: Their teacher was late. Ricky Doucette leaned back in his chair; his gaze fixed upon dust particles shimmering within a shaft of sunlight angling into the room— like billions of stars of a micro-cosmos, he mused. Ricky slipped deeper into supernal thought when another notion pervaded his mind. Why is Mr. Alvarez teaching this religion class, he wondered; a layman who doubles as the school's Spanish teacher when the faculty is filled with so many Marist Brothers?

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#2182356 by Not Available.

Excerpt: I put my faith in Christ at the age of eighteen when a good Christian friend of mine shed real tears after learning about my homeless, home-wrecked situation...

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#2204336 by Not Available.

Excerpt: We seem to hold within us those restricted zones into only those who fit a certain specification can go

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#2205028 by Not Available.

Excerpt: Be the reason God finds in you a good life
         Each life is a Gift from God, be a reason to make the gift a good life

Blessings of Thanksgiving  (13+)
Thanksgiving is a time to be Thankful
#2205035 by Sharmelloween's Expressions

Excerpt: Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks
         For everything we have in this world
         Especially with the yanks
         That is in your dreamworld.

 Estranged  (E)
A Christmas story where standing back and watching people can be surprising.
#2142977 by Myles Abroad

Excerpt: Streetlamps flickered on as I bent into the biting wind. Frigid tendrils wormed their way through the seams in my coat, chilling me to the bone. Thank God, The Coffee Mill's promised warmth beckoned just beyond bundled shoppers, desperate for the next afternoon's sale. When a car splashed through a puddle, soaking my feet in an icy shower, I plunged into the frantic human tide, drawing a hissed, "Damned old fool." Words intended to slice. They didn't. Decades had passed since I cared what anyone thought.

Activities, Groups, and Contests

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#2204683 by Not Available.

THANKFUL SONALI in Octo-BOO writes: I liked your newsletter about grief.
Here's a letter I wrote to my (late) mother.
To Mom, C/O God  [18+]
Some things I feel like telling you, Mom.

Jacqueline I have lost my dad this year March 22. He spent five weeks in hospital trying to fight infection on his lungs, but he was to week from the fall he had. I was with him though the whole ordeal. It brook my heart, watching him slip away for that last week. I beg him to fight, but he couldn't, but I did get to hug him and he me before they gave him morfine to may him confinable but it put him a deep sleep. The five stages of grif I would say I am still at anger. I miss him so much it hurts.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/966962-November-18-2019-Spiritual-Newsletter