A blog to house my musings, curiosities, and fascinations. |
Happy December! There is now officially one month left until my quarter century birthday! It seems this year went faster than the last. My job is hella busy, and winter is supposedly my slow season! My boyfriend and I are going to visit my parents and grandparents in Hawaii at the end of January, so I'm really looking forward to that I'm going to focus on getting things squared away at work before our trip, so I'll probably not be writing as much, but I'm looking forward to a cozy December and holiday season. I only wrote one new thing in November. It was for the 75 word contest and dang! So hard to cram a whole story in 75 words! I wrote the first draft of this on my phone thinking I couldn't possibly have more than 100 or so words, but then got it on the computer and found out it was 375 words! Editing it down was hard, but good practice. You really have to trim it down to only the bare essentials necessary to tell the story, so there wasn't room for all of the description I usually like to add. Anyway, I haven't gotten any reviews for it yet, so I'd love to hear what you have to say. It's short and sweet after all!
I was also blessed to have received a sweet award on this piece, another short story I wrote a few months back:
Oh! And I completed my goal of reading 40 books this year thanks to the WDC Reading Challenge! Breaking the task into monthly chunks was really helpful and made the reading not seem so daunting. Oh, and the Libby app is a life-saver! It means I can be productive during my hour in the car every day Thank you Cubby~Ready for the New Year! for the recommendation last year! My goals for December are really trimmed down because I have a bunch of pesky end of year reporting that needs doing for my real world job. I am looking forward to the holiday festivities though! Holiday Stuffs! "Secret Santa 2024 - Closed" Enter Contests: "Invalid Item" for "The Contest Challenge" "Verdant Poetry Contest" Continue Regular Commitments: Normal review crediting for "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group" and "Anniversary Reviews" "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS" November judging Have a great day! -Emily |