This blog contains responses to blog prompts, & thoughts on spiritual or religious themes |
Jamál (Beauty), 11 Masáʼil (Questions) 176 B.E. - Sunday, December 22, 2019 "Blessed are your ears, for they have heard the Call! Blessed are your eyes, for they have beheld the signs of their Mighty Lord! Blessed are your tongues, for they have uttered the praise of my Lord, the Supreme! Blessed are your nostrils, for they have inhaled the odor of faithfulness from the people of guidance! Blessed are your hearts, for they are attracted to the Beauty of Abha! Blessed are your breasts, for they are dilated by the knowledge of God! Blessed are your souls, for they have partaken of the spirit of life from the fragrances of sanctity in the Paradise of Abha!" Beatitudes Blessed is the lover who intones praises of the All-Glorious Lord! Blessed is the seeker who searches for truth independently! Blessed is the believer who remains steadfast in the Covenant of God! Blessed is the lover who wakes intoning God's praise at dawn; blessed is the seeker who hears the nightingales morning song; blessed is the believer who sees the Lord returned in glory; blessed is the wanderer who finds the point of adoration. Poet's Note: ▼ Footnotes |