This blog contains responses to blog prompts, & thoughts on spiritual or religious themes |
Istiqlál (Independence), 4 Sharaf (Honor) 176 B.E. - Friday, January 3, 2020
PROMPT January 3rd Make a list of 20 random things (nouns). Try as hard as you can to make each item on your list as unrelated to the other items as possible. If your muse moves you, you’re welcome to add whatever commentary you like. Three days into 2020, and I'm beginning to dislike January. It isn't January's fault, that it's the beginning of the Gregorian year. I think it's the fault of Pope Gregory or whoever installed the current calendar. In the last decade, January was the month that I had to hustle to make the rent, power bill, and internet bill. This month I've paid the internet bill, and I don't have to worry about the power bill until February. I still have $15.00 to find in order to pay the rent this month. I'm not sure about my financial outlook in February, because I have to set that up in the spread, which I will do after January 15. I've dealt with the spreadsheet. I've dealt with finances all morning, and I can't deal with them any more until later today, when I get the rest of the money to pay the rent. prayer car banana cane snow perseverance shoes coffee mask world theory knowledge love environment loss confusion awareness queen inspection sympathy |