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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/973466-Feb-12-2020-Deadline-Feb-10-2020-Spiritual-Newsletter
Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #562186
Each snowflake, like each human being is unique.
#973466 added February 12, 2020 at 4:47pm
Restrictions: None
Feb 12, 2020 Deadline Feb. 10, 2020 Spiritual Newsletter

Editor's Picks

1. Downstream
2. What does hope mean to me?
3. By Streams of Water
4. Where Can I Find Happiness?
5. Free Will
6. Last Winter's Walk

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Black History Month
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Each year I look forward to February.


Who was Paul Robeson and Crispus Attucks?

About This Newsletter

Black History Month is a time to focus on learning about the contributions of African Americans to the American culture.

Letter From the Editor

I look forward to Black History Month each year, because it is a chance for me to investigate a part of American History that I was never taught in school. When I was in school, very little was ever said about the contributions of black Americans the to American culture. We learned about the civil War, about Lincoln's Emancipation Declaration, and a little of the aftermath of the Civil War. We did not learn about the affect of slavery on the following generations of black Americans. We did not learn about the cultural contributions of black Americans to spiritual, artistic, or general culture of America.

There are many black men and women who contributed to all areas of American culture. Some of the musical artist who contributed to American music were Dizzy Gillespie, Ella Fitzgerald, Charlie Parker, Duke Ellington, Cab Calloway, Billie Holiday, and Paul Robeson. Who is Paul Robeson? Paul Leroy Robeson, April 9, 1898-January 23, 1976. was a singer (bass baritone), actor, lawyer, athlete, and social activist. His most famous acting rolls were All God's Chillun Got Wings (New York City), The Emperor Jones (London), and Body and Soul (movie).

Other black Americans who contributed to our history and culture are Martin Luther King, Jr., Fredrick Douglass, Barack Obama, Harriet Tubman, Booker T. Washington, Sojourner Truth, and Crispus Attucks. Who is Crispus Attucks? Killed in the Boston Massacre, and considered the first casualty in the American Revolution. Do an internet search to find out more about these great Americans.

Are there other black Americans who made contributions to American history and culture? Please, let me know who they are and what their contributions were or are.

Editors Picks

 Downstream   (E)
Inspired by 1 Nephi 15:6-9
#2211306 by Private

Excerpt: I talk a river, a rush
         drowning out all
         possible conversation.

 What Does Hope Mean to Me?  (E)
My thoughts on hope
#2211299 by readywriter

Excerpt: There is a saying ”hope springs eternal.” When I look at this saying and the definition of hope which is that of an expectation of a desired thing to happen, I would have to conclude then that hope is an eternal wanting or longing. Eternal meaning forever?...

By Streams of Water  (E)
A Lighthouse entry.
#1887664 by Teargen

Excerpt: How often in my panic-stricken woe
         would I look up to see the gentle dove,
         and with its peace transcending all we know,
         removes the anxious edges with pure love.

 Where Can I Find Happiness?  (13+)
Where to look for happiness
#1303572 by Gunny

Excerpt: What is happiness and how does one go about finding it? Since the dawn of mankind, we've searched for this answer. Some folks spend their entire lives searching for something or someone who will make them happy, but they never find it because happiness is not a destination or an end goal. In life, happiness is the game; not the final score.

Free Will  (E)
A brief reflection on time, opportunity, and responsibility
#2176241 by Words Whirling 'Round

Excert: The past is a rock, written and locked.
         Kept warm in your heart or rued in the dark -
         it's chiseled in stone.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2208775 by Not Available.

Excerpt: Winter months are the worst. Watching all the people hustle and bustle about, without any care to anyone but their own reason for being. I’m all grown up now, and I have no one anymore. My one sibling lives in the Midwest while I still exist here. My parents, Aunts,and Uncles have long since passed. I have Nieces and Nephews but have their responsibilities now, they are distant relatives anyways and should not be bothered by me and my issues. Every year I choose one day to walk down Main Street. On this day, all are with their families, while I still search for mine. I ache in my heart during this short walk.

Reader's Submissions

We attempt to find God in the world around us. Ultimately it can only be found within.
#2210443 by Lone Cypress Workshop

Activities, Groups, and Contests

The Contest Challenge  (13+)
Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed!
#2109126 by Schnujo is Prepping 5 Novels

Share Your Faith  (13+)
Are you spiritual? Religious? Or not at all? Can you incorporate this into your writing?
#2204562 by Scaredy Kitti

ForeverDreamer wrote: This is a very positive day! If everyone would learn about other's beliefs, the World would be a better place.

bob county wrote: When my older sister committed suicide.
Monsignor Francis told my dad she could not be buried in our family plot.
Dad had to prove to Fr. Francis that she was insane when she chose to end her life.
She had terminal cancer, but she could not be buried in consecrated ground.
Dad eventually convinced the Monsignor that my sister was insane.
My sister was given the blessing of the Catholic Church and buried in consecrated ground.

Lone Cypress Workshop writes: I am eternally confused with our society's conflict with religion and god. There is no reason I can fathom why we cannot investigate the concepts as a group and share insights and experience and help one another with one of the most frustrating and complex issues we will ever have to address.

Our societal perspective as to the separation of church and state is both disturbing and disappointing. I have never understood why our public school system (specifically NOT supposed to be a special interest venture) does not celebrate ALL the religions and openly discuss the similarities and differences as part of our fundamental curriculum. This would seem to resonate with an obvious majority of those that demand religious freedom, diversity, and tolerance. The problem is that the intent is not for all, but only for a specific and select few.

The separation of church and state was never meant to restrict the display of our cherished symbols in the public square. Quite the contrary, the public square, by definition, should be for all the public, or for 'we, the people', as it were. To share, to explain and to understand our neighbors, and not to attempt to relegate the practice of your religious beliefs to basements and private venues. Haven't we learned that secrecy and ignorance is the primary reason we fear and hate that which we do not know or understand? Whoever is doing these things have only their own agendas on the table. We must resist these individuals if we ever wish to experience peace. The separation enumerated in our Constitution was to prevent the government itself from forcing membership in any specific belief system, as England did with their Church of England. Nothing more. Nothing even vaguely similar to what we have to endure in America today.

I enjoyed your reference to the "Golden" rule. I researched the concept for my essay Divine Confusion.   I invite you to take a peek and any comments would be greatly appreciated.

God and religion have had a controversial and violent history. In my humble opinion, it has never been God and religion that has created the chaos. It has been the woefully inept, and at times despicably evil, individuals that have taken up the mantle of leadership to pervert the concepts to their own destructive ends. We can stop those individuals, but it will not be an easy task.

Thank you for your comments. As a Baha'i, I accept the validity the all the major religions. I believe in progressive revelation, that is each prophet or Divine Manifestation is sent by the Creator to assist humanity in its spiritual progress. As the human race matures, another Divine Manifestation is sent by God.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/973466-Feb-12-2020-Deadline-Feb-10-2020-Spiritual-Newsletter