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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/975161-Mar-18-2020-Deadline-March-16-2020-Fantasy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #562186
Each snowflake, like each human being is unique.
#975161 added March 19, 2020 at 4:51pm
Restrictions: None
Mar 18, 2020 Deadline: March 16, 2020 Fantasy


Editor's Picks

1. "Cat" Burglar Alert
2. Sasquatch: Real or Myth
3. Reward of Wonder
4. Space Marines on the Deathstar
5. The Singing Swaying Planet
6. Star Voyager: Episode - "Target Earth"

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What do Leprechauns have to do with Saint Patrick's Day?


What is the difference between a Leprechaun and a Clurichauns?

About This Newsletter

"The earliest truth that we're taught is that there's a world alongside this world, with spirits, not mortals, an enchanted universe of fairies, wizards, leprechauns and trolls. They are all around us. One has only to open his eyes."
William Holman Hunt

Letter From the Editor

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

What do Leprechauns have to do with Saint Patrick's Day? Saint Patrick never met a Leprechaun. Apparently, the only reason Leprechauns are associated with Saint Patrick's Day is that they are Irish. According to legend these little people inhabited Ireland centuries before humans colonized the island.

What is the difference between a Leprechaun and a Clurichauns? Clurichaun--who usually dress in red--are the drunken and angry cousins of Leprechauns. Their habit is to ride animals each night and rob wine cellars.

A Leprechaun can be sneaky, especially if you attempt to trick them or steal their gold. In these cases, they usually get even by tricking you. If you are kind to them and help them, they can be generous, and will reward you by giving you some of their gold. However, most of the time they are untrusting, grouchy. and, perhaps a bit lonely, because they live solitary lives.

There are many stories and myths about Leprechauns. In some they are hard working cobblers or shoemakers. In others, they are the bankers of the Fairy Kingdom, who job it is to protect the wealth of the other fairy creatures. They do this by preventing the other from spending their gold frivolously.

Editors Picks

"Cat" Burglar Alert  (13+)
A burglar robs the wrong house
#2211456 by Lornda

Excerpt: Mike woke up lying on a couch tangled in a string of Christmas lights. He struggled and the little bulbs dug deep into his hands and feet. He blinked and gazed around at the surroundings. The tiny living room had stuff all over the place. A noise behind him made him sit up to look around.

Sasquatch: Real or Myth  (13+)
Article is in response to Mythical Creature or Monsters #4 by Prosperous Snow
#2083919 by GaelicQueen

Excerpt: I don’t recall any of mythological stories handed down in my family. I have often wondered if humans have an indelible imprint on their brains of a pre-birth memory of creatures to avoid in their environment.

Reward of Wonder  (E)
Double acrostic of, "Space: The Final Frontier"
#2056013 by Teargen

Excerpt: Science fiction, alien planets,
         photon torpedoes, Miri, Man Trap.
         All Our Yesterdays, Arena--
         can you say outré, fantastic!
         Engaging is each Star Trek tale.

 Space Marines on the Deathstar  (13+)
A conversation between marines when Darth Vader arrives in the Deathstar.
#2212114 by Espinado

Excerpt: Row after row of white armored marines lined up by division on the Promenade deck. The Promenade deck is wide enough for at least five thousand Marines to muster and deep enough for an imperial transport to land and discharge its cargo. Just moments ago, before the marines mustered, a small Corvette landed at the hangar door end of the Promenade deck. It lined up precisely in the center, aligned with the door on the opposite side of the Promenade deck. The marines assembled with 1500 on either side of the walkway between the door and the ship.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2186778 by Not Available.

Excerpt: “I do'n' like this place,” Scotty muttered, “w'th too much space 'n no people.” He added in a singing voice, “People who like people.” He started swaying side to side.

 Star Voyagers - Episode: "TARGET EARTH"   (E)
Part I - Diabolical Aliens launch a devastating attack on Earth
#2181905 by jonblair

Excerpt: Science/1st Officer Beta noticed Captain Foxwell and his surveillance party were anxious to begin exploration of planet Vorcia, the only class M (earth-like) and previously thought uninhabited planet of the Voricia Star System following a successful landing the previous day aboard their spaceship, 'SS Stargazer,' a first generation star system battle cruiser. The First Officer informed the Captain atmospheric conditions were suitable for human life. Strangely beautiful, non-familiar vegetation and plant life were visible on the surface from the spaceship's observation panes. Spacesuits would not be necessary outside the ship, and the surveying party, fusion laser pistols holstered to their service belts and led by their new Captain were soon surveying the landscape and thick vegetation within eye distance of the 'Stargazer.'

Submitted by Readers

Going to the Zoo  (E)
Justin and Natalin are going to the zoo, to live. WC2902
#1970527 by Quick-Quill

Excerpt: Justin frowned as the car they rode in took them to a town neither had ever seen. He zoned into Natalin’s mind. I wonder why they picked us. Did anyone ask to see you?

Activities, Groups, and Contests

Quick-Quill writes: I don't write fantasy. I feel this NL applies to all genre. I have WHAT IF? as my mantra. What if body parts are found in ice blocks? What if a woman is asked by a stranger to help him escape a government agent? What if a girl falls down a rabbit hole? or What if children are sent to a foster couple and find their caregivers are "different" like they are and care for a "zoo" that's filled with supernatural animals? Read my kids story about the last plot. Find the premise in each of these plot lines. I'd love to hear them.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/975161-Mar-18-2020-Deadline-March-16-2020-Fantasy