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Rated: 18+ · Book · Sci-fi · #2213350
6 people from Earth in a space plane travel to a world of giants 72 times bigger than us!
#975799 added March 2, 2020 at 12:06am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 3
About one o'clock in the afternoon, Zima Zamora arrived to check on the tinies from Earth. She checked the habitation module and saw that they were missing, so she turned on some of the scanning equipment, to check and see if she could detect the lifesigns of the captives.

"They're not here!" Zima said to herself. She went to a two-way video phone and punched in the number to Darian's cell phone. Darian's face appeared on the screen a few moments later. She was sitting in her shuttlecruiser. "The captives have escaped!" said Zima.

"I'm on my way over!" said Darian.

When Darian arrived a couple of minutes later, Zima showed her the window and the cord hanging out of it where the captives had climbed down to get outside the building.

"Don't worry about the captives," said Darian. "We'll have them back soon enough! Everything is going according to plan!"

Darian gave a mischievous smile to Zima, and Zima gave an evil grin. Zima rubbed her hands together with excitement at the thought of re-capturing the tinies.

Meanwhile, back at the park, Leo Tanner, Mason Lewis, and Tyler Chen were watching as the giantesses who had been playing volleyball packed up their belongings, with Nolan Ward as the new acquisition of one of the giant women.

"I'm going to try to hitch a ride on their vehicle!" said Leo. "I want the two of you to take this food back to the camp. If I don't try to track Nolan down now, I might never get the chance again!"

Mason and Tyler watched Logan took off in the direction the giant women were heading.

"Do you really think we can survive on our own in a world of giants?" Tyler asked Mason. "Maybe we're better off under the care of Darian!"

"I'd rather try to do our best living out a fugitive existence than living as pawns that can be gambled away on a game board! You saw what happened to the guy on that losing team! Darian swallowed him!"

"But I'm a pro tennis player!" said Tyler. "Since this is a parallel world, there must be a sport that's an equivalent of tennis here on this world of titans! And if there is, I might be the best player out there!"

"But what if you're not?" Mason asked. "They might have gotten five or six other tennis champions from worlds that are analogs of our own, and they might be better than you!"

"Yeah, I guess you're right!" said Tyler.

"Let's get this food back to the camp!" said Mason.

Across the park, Leo followed the giantess who had captured Nolan. There was a parking lot with a few shuttle cruisers parked there, and when Leo saw the blonde giantess who had captured Nolan get into one of the shuttle cruisers, he got underneath and climbed into the undercarriage and found a spot above the rear bumper where he would be able to hold onto something when the vehicle made its ascent.

The blonde giantess set Nolan inside a plastic jar that she set in a cup holder, then worked the control console of her shuttle cruiser. In moments, the engines kicked on, and the vehicle took off into the sky, climbing at a gentle angle. Her home wasn't far, so the trip only lasted about twenty seconds. Around the rear bumper, Leo held on for dear life and was rewarded when the vehicle came in for a landing less than a minute after take-off. When he saw the giant woman carry the jar containing Nolan into her house, Leo climbed down and followed her, but hid in the shrubbery, waiting to make his move.

Back at the camp, Mason and Tyler eventually arrived with the food they had stolen from the giantess volleyball players.

"Nolan was captured!" Mason told Natalie. "Leo is trying to track him down to try to set him free!"

Natalie lifted her hands to her face in shock. "No!" she said. "How did it happen?"

"Nolan went back for food when Leo told him it was time for us to leave! I guess he didn't want to be the only one to show up at the camp empty handed."

Tyler began setting the food out, and the four of them sat down for their meal. Before they ate, Carmen said a prayer.

"Lord, please protect Nolan and Leo in this dangerous world, and please bring them back to us! Thank you for this food you have provided for us in this our hour of need!"

Back at the house of the giantess who captured Nolan, Leo was trying to scale the perimeter of the house, looking for openings. He spotted a window that was open slightly, and climbed a bush to the ledge beneath the window. When he saw giant insects, it didn't phase him, because his military training from his time in the Air Force gave him the intestinal fortitude to ignore things like that that would startle an average man.

Inside, the blonde giantess sat on the carpet and dumped out the jar that had contained Nolan, and he came tumbling out. The blonde giantess was wearing green shorts and an orange tank top, and she was bare-footed. She had taken her shoes and socks off during the time it took for Leo to get to the window ledge. She was sitting Indian style, and as Nolan got to his feet he saw that she had a nice medium tan for a blonde woman. Nolan thought that she must go to tanning salons regularly to achieve that effect.

"My name is Rikki!" said the giantess. "People like you usually only belong to the extremely wealthy, so someone like me doesn't get an opportunity like this very often! What's your name?"

"Nolan Ward!"

"Welcome to Thanatar, Nolan! Did you know there's a drinking game involving tinies like you?"

"One of the crew members of the space plane that brought me here was almost captured by a sorority girl who planned on using him in a drinking game. That happened last night!"

"Actually, there are several drinking games involving swallowing tiny people, I've always wanted to try it!"

"Wouldn't you rather use me for a sex toy?" Nolan asked.

"Yes, but only if you survive being swallowed by me. Now, I will vomit you back up if I drink enough alcohol, but you're going to have to conserve your air while you're inside my tummy, okay tiny one?"

"Can't we talk about this?" Nolan asked.

"The discussion is over!" said Rikki the giantess, and she stood up to reach for a bottle of alcohol. As she did, Nolan made a break for it and tried to run across the carpet toward the window. Rikki saw what he was trying to do, and walked over and pressed the button on the control console that activated the window and caused it to shut completely. Leo saw her arm approaching the window as she reached for the control console, and jumped out of the way, landing on a branch of the bush he had climbed up. Luckily, Rikki didn't see him.

Inside the house, Rikki grabbed a champagne glass and a bottle of white wine, and poured some into the glass. She grabbed Nolan, who from her perspective, was around one inch in height. Rikki dangled him over her champagne glass, and dropped him inside. When Nolan splashed down into the cool liquid, he panicked, thinking that he would soon find himself contained within the muscular walls of Rikki's stomach. As he struggled and splashed around inside the glass, Nolan tried to reason with Rikki.

"I'm about an inch tall from your perspective, right? Isn't that a little big to swallow? Maybe you should acquire a captive from a world where the people are one centimeter tall from your point of view! I don't know, you could swallow a midget or something!"

"Trying to reason with me will do you no good!" said the beautiful blonde titaness. "You're going on a journey to my belly!"

She tilted the glass back and began guzzling the contents. Nolan tried to swim in the direction of the bottom of the glass, which was tilted upwards at that point; however, it did him no good. Rikki's mouth was wide open and ready to receive him. Nolan could feel Rikki's hot breath washing over him as she guzzled the wine; there was nothing he could hold onto, the force of gravity was dragging him to exactly the place where Rikki wanted him: her mouth. Nolan found himself dragged down toward her mouth by the pull of the current of the wine. Soon, he splashed down on her tongue, and her teeth clenched down around him and locked into place. With one muscular contraction, Nolan was dispatched down Rikki's esophagus to splash down in the depths of her titanic belly. The fumes were overwhelming and he was covered with chyme, but surprisingly, there was a pocket of air inside Rikki's stomach, with just enough air for Nolan to survive, at least for the time being.

Meanwhile, outside the house, Leo tried to find another window he could climb through. He walked around the house, which was wider in diameter than a football stadium. He wished they had some form of walkie-talkies so he could communicate with his Mason Lewis, his co-pilot, but he knew the advanced technology of these titans would probably be able to track their transmissions, so it wouldn't have done them any good any way.

Right at that moment, Rikki chose to open the sliding door of the backyard and step outside. Leo was unaware of the drama that unfolded within her stomach walls, that Nolan was fighting for survival. Leo quickly seized the opportunity to run inside the house, hoping that he would be able to find a way to secure Nolan and bring him back to the camp. Rikki had the wine bottle in her hand, and took swigs from it now and then.

Inside her belly, Nolan was soaking wet, floating in the chyme of Rikki's partially digested food. Every time she took a swig of the wine bottle, wine rained down on Nolan. There was an air pocket with just enough air for him to survive if he took a breath only every fifteen or twenty seconds. Nolan silently prayed that Rikki would vomit as soon as possible.

When Rikki downed the last of the wine in the wine bottle, she felt a familiar sensation that she had felt on occasions when she was sick. She knew she was about to vomit, and what better place to do that than outside? She bent over, and the contents of her stomach erupted onto the grass. Nolan was discharged up through her esophagus and out her mouth, and down onto the grass below. When Rikki recovered, she scooped Nolan up.

"Let's get you inside and get you cleaned up! You just had an adventure! Tomorrow, I'm going to train you for Arcadia!"

The door was still open at that point, but Leo felt that he needed to get back to the camp and inform the others of what happened. They could come back for Nolan, now that he knew where Rikki the giantess who captured Nolan lived. When he got outside, he memorized the address on the wall near the front door of Rikki's house, and after jumping down into the gutter, he went to the corner and memorized the street name. The trip from the park to Rikki's house only took twenty seconds, so Leo figured he could get back to the camp by nightfall. In the distance, he could see the mountain that was near the edge of the campus they had escaped from.

Leo had a good sense of direction because of his military training, and he had a compass to guide him, so he made his way from gutter to gutter, avoiding giant people along the way. At sunset he found his way back to the park where Nolan was abducted, and from there he found his way to the camp by the stream just after night fall.

"We saved some food for you, captain!" said Mason.

"I tracked Nolan down, I know where we can find him! We should set out for him immediately!"

"Whoa, hold on!" said Mason. "You look like you just walked thirty miles! I think you need to rest!"

"Maybe you're right!" said Leo. "We can go after him first thing in the morning!"

"How is my brother doing?" Natalie asked. "Is he okay?"

"He's doing fine!" said Leo. "He got captured by a giantess named Rikki. I know where she lives. I saw her swallow Nolan while drinking a bottle of wine,"

"Oh my God!" said Natalie.

"It's okay!" said Leo. "She wasn't trying to hurt him, it was a drinking game. She vomited him up. She plans on taking him to Arcadia!"
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