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Rated: 18+ · Book · Sci-fi · #2213350
6 people from Earth in a space plane travel to a world of giants 72 times bigger than us!
#975820 added February 21, 2020 at 7:20pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 16
At the sorority mansion just off campus, Melina picked up the two jars containing Leo and the other captives.

"Four of us got swallowed by Stephanie and that blonde!" said Leo as Melina screwed the lids onto the jars.

"Do you think I really care?" said Melina. "The whole purpose of your existence is to give pleasure to titans! All of you are bound to end up in someone's belly sooner or later! Besides, I'll just take a bigger cut of Stephanie's share of the profits because she swallowed some of you!"

Melina took the two jars and headed outside to her shuttle cruiser. She got in, and set the jars on the center console between the driver's seat and the front passenger seat. She didn't drive back to her house, however; she began calling the numbers of the giantesses who owned the captives, and returned them one by one. Leo's mistress was the first owner Melina contacted.

"Darian Wagner?" said Melina.

"Yes?" said Darian as her face appeared on the screen. She was in the process of doing homework in her dorm.

"I have Leo Tanner, a captive that escaped from you!" said Melina.

"How did you capture him?" Darian asked.

"Don't worry about that just yet," said Melina. "I'm interested in the reward for returning him to you."

"I've got a lot of credits from gambling on Arcadia," said Darian. "How much do you want for him?"

"Standard rate is five-thousand credits!" said Melina.

"I can give you five-thousand!" said Darian.

"I was hoping for nine!" said Melina. "What I do is a business venture, by capturing escaped captives!"

"I'll give you six-thousand," said Darian. "But I won't go any higher!"

"How about six-five?" Melina asked.

"If you won't take six-thousand, then you can keep him!" said Darian. "That's a thousand over the standard rate, so you'd still be ahead. I plan on punishing him by taking him back to Arcadia, and I'm sure he'll lose, so I won't be keeping him anyway. Why would I pay more than six-thousand for a captive I don't plan on keeping?"

"Okay, you drive a hard bargain!" said Melina. "I'll take six-thousand for Leo Tanner!"

"I'll text my address to you so you can bring him right over!" said Darian.

Melina flew her shuttle cruiser directly to the Crestwood University parking lot, and took Leo's jar and a credit swiper to Darian's dorm. When Darian answered the door, she had a credit card in her hand, and before Melina gave Leo to Darian, Melina waited for Darian to swipe her credit card and transfer six-thousand credits to Melina's account before she reached into the jar and pulled Leo out and gave him to her.

After Melina left, Darian lifted Logan to face level and addressed him.

"Well, haven't you been off on a little adventure? I'm taking you back to the lab right now! I should've known the jar I put you inside of was too small!"

Darian returned to the lab, and took the dome off of the habitation module and set Logan inside. Natalie ran up and hugged him.

"I thought we'd never see you again!" said Natalie.

"Don't get too happy!" said Darian, as she looked down on the captives. "Tomorrow morning, I'm taking all of you to Arcadia and Logan is going to play a game! I'm counting on him losing, I'm going to bet against him! Don't let me down, Leo!"

After Darian left the captives alone in the lab and left for the night, the captives got back to socializing with each other. Mason, Tyler, Carmen, and Natalie gathered around Leo.

"Where's Nolan?" Leo asked.

"He belongs to Zima now," said Natalie. "He's in love with her, so I think he's where he wants to be."

Leo shivered. "Ooh! How could anyone be in love with one of these troll women?"

"My brother was a comic book artist before he became a concert promoter," said Natalie, "and he used to make comic books about the giantess fetish. He has admitted to the family that he was into giant women for a long time. Being here is like a dream come true for him!"

"I'm with Leo!" said Mason. "These giant women are nothing but trolls! Cannibalistic trolls!"

Leo pulled a device out of his pocket. "I've still got it!" said Leo. "I never gave it to Melina, and I took it with me on every mission she sent me on, just in case I got re-captured!"

"Who's Melina?" Carmen asked.

"She's a traitor working for the underground resistance movement. She allows escaped captives to come under her care, then she turns them over to their original owners and collects a reward, with the resistance being none the wiser!"

"What is that?" Natalie asked.

"It's what allowed me to learn how to use Darian's equipment in this lab!" said Leo. "She was stupid for not shaking me down and taking it!"

"Zima used a device here in the lab to enlarge Nolan to giant size," said Mason. "When you utilized the other devices in the lab, why didn't you use that device to make yourself big like them? Then you could've refueled the Thunderbolt and we could've taken off that night!"

"It's password encrypted!" said Leo. "These titans are very picky about allowing tiny people to grow to giant size. The tutorial in this device explained that to me! Only Darian or Zima can use the enlarger! Same with any shrink-ray pistol, if we took one away from a giant, we wouldn't be able to use it against them, because it only works if it locks onto the chromosome pattern of the owner of the gun!"

"It seems like for every three steps forward, we get knocked two steps back!" said Mason.

"But that's still one step forward!" said Leo.

At Zima's dorm, Nolan and Zima were getting frisky while Nolan was giant-sized, when there was a knock at the door. Zima opened the door and Darian was there.

"Someone captured Leo, and I bought him back from her!" said Darian. "I'm taking him and the other captives to Arcadia tomorrow morning, I'm betting that he'll lose. Want to come with me?"

"Sure!" said Zima, with her arm around Nolan.

Darian looked at how affectionate Zima was with Nolan, and remarked, "If you marry Nolan, you'll be an embarrassment to your entire family, I hope you know that!"

Zima looked at Nolan and smiled. "I'd rather have a slave for a husband anyway!"

"So would I," said Darian, "but you don't see me marrying an enlarged captive!" Darian turned to walk away. "Well, see you tomorrow!"

Zima said goodbye and closed the door. Zima and Nolan started making out.

The next morning at the lab, Darian arrived and gave the captives a breakfast of nutrition bars and bottled water. When they were fed, they met Zima in the parking lot with Nolan shrunk back down to normal size and in Zima's hands. Darian sat in the driver's seat, while Zima sat in the passenger seat. The habitation module was placed in the center console between the two seats, and Zima placed Nolan in the habitation module with the other captives.

"Oh, Nolan!" said Natalie, throwing her arms around her brother. "I thought I might never see you again!"

"I'm okay!" said Nolan. "Me and Zima are in love! I just have to do something to show that I can make a greater sacrifice for her than the guy her parents want her to marry, some guy named Adonis."

"But she's crazy!" sad Natalie. "I know you have a giantess fetish, but isn't this crazy, even for you? What if she swallows you?"

"She already has!" said Nolan. "And she puked me right back up again by drinking something called Gak. If that doesn't prove her love for me, then what will? Zima is my destiny!"

After docking on the Arcadia space station, Zima carried the habitation module to the seating area.

"Are you going to have Tyler Chen play so you can win some guaranteed credits?" Zima asked.

"No, I'm just going to have Leo play and lose. I've got a lot of money riding on him if he loses," Darian replied.

"What if he wins?" Zima asked.

"Then I'll lose a substantial amount of credits!" said Darian. "He can't win anyway, I'm having him play the most difficult game of all."

"What game is that?" Zima asked.

"He will play tennis while levitating on a hover-disk. It takes a long time to master that game, even at the beginning levels!"

Zima smiled mischievously, "Is there still time to bet against him?"

"I think you still have a few minutes!" said Darian, and Zima got up to go place her bet. In the meantime, Darian picked Leo up from the habitation module and said, "You're doomed, little man! If you lose, you'll end up as someone else's captive! If you win, you'll be punished by me!"

When Zima returned, she grabbed Nolan none too gently and placed him in her bosom.

"You've got the best seat in the house!" said Zima.

When it came time for the game to begin, Darian took Leo to the game board, and he got situated. He was on a hover-disk, something like a round skateboard that utilized anti-gravity to hover about six inches above the game board. His opponent was on the other side of the tennis court, also on a hover-disk. When the game started, Leo was still getting accustomed to using the hover-disk.

His opponent scored a point when he wasn't ready, and continued to score over and over again. Leo hadn't played tennis in years, and this version of it was especially difficult to play, because of the added problem of being forced to balance on the hover-disk. Leo had learned to ride a skateboard when he was a teenager, but he still had trouble balancing. His opponent obviously had been trained to balance and play this game. When Leo got lucky and managed to score a point, he looked up at Darian, who lifted her blouse ever so slightly and pointed to her belly button. This was a threat meant to ensure that Leo lost this match, and Leo got the message. He stopped trying too hard to win, though he wouldn't have been able to win anyway. If he won and went back to Darian, she would swallow him. If he lost, he would end up under the ownership of his opponent's mistress, a gothic blonde with fishnet stockings. He didn't know if she would swallow him or not, but it would be an improvement over being under Darian's power, because she held a grudge against Leo for escaping from her.

When the match was over, the gothic blonde stepped forward to collect Leo. She put her hand down palm-side up, and Leo and his opponent both stepped on. She lifted them, and said: "My name is Morgan. I'll be your new mistress from this day forward!" She placed them in a container that didn't have windows on the sides, but the lid had a window that allowed light in. On the interior, there were seats built into the walls, and a table.

"So what's the situation here?" Leo asked the man who had beaten him in the tennis match. "Is Morgan good, or evil?"

"They're all evil, aren't they?" the man asked. "So what's the difference?"

"Some are less evil than others," said Leo. "I know of an underground resistance that rescues people like us."

"Be quiet!" said the man. "We're being recorded at all times!"

"My last mistress never recorded us, as far as I know!" said Leo.

"She probably did, without your knowledge," said the man. "I'm Peter, by the way! You can call me Pete!"

"Leo!" The two men shook hands.

Right at the end of the match when Leo lost, Darian and Zima stood up and cheered. The two young women went to collect their winnings. Nolan was still shrunk and riding along in Zima's bosom, happy as clam. When the women had their credit cards updated, Zima collected the habitation module and they went back to Darian's shuttle cruiser. Zima plucked Nolan from her bosom and kissed him.

"When we get back to my dorm, I want to try having sex with you while you're shrunk!" said Zima.

Despite knowing of the obvious danger of this, for some reason Nolan kept quiet. If she tried having sexual contact with him while he was tiny in comparison to her, he could be crushed. This could be the most horrifying event of his life, or his greatest ecstasy. What adventures awaited him?

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