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This contains entries to Take up Your Cross, Space Blog, Blog City PF and BC of Friends
#981385 added April 18, 2020 at 8:21am
Restrictions: None
April 18, 2020
Blog City image smallThe Original Logo.Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs

Blog City image small Prompt: "Use these random words: marine, damn, chauvinist, crew, sulfur,unfix, and edition in your post today."

There are some words here that I do not use in my everyday language such as "damn". I will tell you though that God will damn sin to hell. A lot of people say "I can't believe in a God that will send anybody to hell. That is their choice. The fact of the matter is that God gave us all free will and He respects our decisions and choices. If we want to say He doesn't exist just because we see Him as a tyrant He will respect our choice. I respect people's choice to blast my blog as homophobic because I said that God calls homosexuality unnatural and sinful. Those are not my words. They are God's words. Read it for yourself in Romans 1. 20 and following. I'm sure you liberals can find a Bible. You probably have one collecting dust someplace.

They call me a chauvinist because I voice God's word. They say that "times have changed" and they believe that to mean that God's opinions need to change with the times. "God is the same yesterday, today, and forever", Hebrews 13.

He is not going to change His mind and say "Well, I was condemning sin before it became politically correct to commit it, but I've changed my mind. You people go on and do whatever you want."

Another fact is that just because somebody says that God does not exist because they have never seen Him does not mean it is true. I could say "I have never seen the ocean so I don't know if marine life exists."

We all know that is a ludicrous statement just as saying God doesn't exist because you don't agree with His rulings is a ludicrous statement. God does exist and He will cast people into a lake of burning sulfur as a punishment for sin. You cannot unfix that once it has happened. Whether you want to be part of God's crew or part of a crew committing murders in abortion clinics is up to you. Just know that sin brings death. COVID-19 in my opinion is just the beginning of sorrows. Prosperity preachers and liberals preach peace when the Bible is clear that there is going to be no peace. The Bible has proven reliable for thousands of years and is just as applicable to life today as it was when it was written. Wake up people! There is no new edition condoning abortion, homosexuality, gossip, murder, theft, deceit, or any other sin!

I know the liberals are going to say that this blog is homophobic and full of hate and venom. They always do because the fact is that sin hates exposure to the light. I want to clarify here and now. I LOVE HOMOSEXUALS. What I hate is the sin of homosexuality just as I hate gluttony, which I am often guilty of. None of us are perfect. If we were capable of being sinless then God would not have taken human form and died a human death on the cross for our sins. He did die though and He wants, no He demands that we repent.

The Original Logo. Prompt: "Staying at Home: Up We Go!
Dig Deep. Share your best, most profound uplifting words of wisdom for those who have become disheartened and down."

I wish I could give some words of encouragement, but the fact of the matter is that I do not see any of this ending well. The US Government is sending out stimulus money like it is confetti. The fact is that for each dollar they spend, they devalue the dollars in circulation a little more. I got my stimulus check and still have a portion of it left. I'm keeping that portion because I expect that $5.00 hamburger to go up to eight dollars in short order, if not higher. We will all need that stimulus money.

The fact is however that if somebody wants a word of encouragement I can tell them what I do. I get my strength from Jesus Christ. I am disabled both by physical disabilities and mental disabilities. I have coronary artery disease, epilepsy, diabetes, traumatic brain injury from a skull fracture, and several other conditions including rheumatoid arthritis in my knee. Despite all of that I still manage to clean all the handrailing in this several hundred thousand feet compound. I sterilize the stairwells five days per week. Each stairwell has seven flights of steps minimum and there are nine such stairwells in the complex. I do them every day because I don't want my fellow veterans to get sick and possibly die. I don't worry about myself catching it because viruses don't seem to bother me very badly. I've had hepatitis A and all it did to me was ruin my appetite for a while. I even had parvovirus from working in a dog pound and it did not make me very sick. I don't worry about me. I love my fellow veterans though and will do everything in my power to keep them safe.

I get my motivation and strength from my faith. I believe that Jesus Christ lives in me and I know that as the Apostle Paul put it in Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."

I do not believe this virus will go away for a while. I believe it is manmade at God's behest. God has always used man to bring man to repentance. In the Old Testament He used many nations to bring Israel to repentance. I believe He used the creators of COVID-19 to bring us to repentance. He is furious over sin. Yes I point out Obergefell VS Holmes and Roe VS Wade as two sins that God is angry with, but I single them out because they are state-sanctioned sins. Idolatry was the state-sanctioned sin in the Old Testament and the prophets preached about it more than they did any other sin, just as I will single out gay marriage and abortion as state-sanctioned sin. This does not mean that I hate homosexuals as I have been accused of. I love everybody, and that includes homosexuals. In fact I know and associate with many homosexuals. I just do not condone the sin of homosexuality and more than I condone my own sin of overeating. I will pray for the homosexual just as quickly as I pray for fellow gluttons. The fact is that we are all sinners. If we were not sinners Jesus would not have died for us. Since He died and raised from the dead three days later, He lives in my heart. He can live in yours too. If you want you can invite Him to do so right now. Just bow your head and talk to Him. He'll hear you. Romans tells us "For however calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved", Romans 10:13.

Call upon Him and rely on His strength. He will provide just as He gives an old man with a heart condition, renal failure, high blood pressure, epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, bi-polar disorder, and myriad other problems the strength to sanitize millions of square feet five days per week. Just pray. Here is a suggested prayer: "Father God, I know I am a sinner. I realize my sin is separating You and I. I ask you to forgive my sins God. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sin. Help my belief to become stronger. Honor my feeble faith and help me believe. I repent of my sin God, knowing that I will not be perfect in this lifetime. I want to live for you and do your will. Come into my heart and be my Savior. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen."

If you said that prayer and sincerely meant it then you are saved. The angels in heaven are celebrating over you right now! Send me an email and let me know so I can add you to my prayer list by name.

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs "Prompt: Write about either a figurative mountain or a literal mountain."

I live in West Virginia, which is the Mountain Sate. The fact of the matter is however, that we have no mountains in West Virginia if you go by the literal definition of a mountain. A mountain is defined as a hill that is at least 5,000 feet in height. The highest point we have in West Virginia is Hawk's Nest State Park and it tops out at 4, 280 feet. I guess the Mountain State has no mountains. Isn't that ironic?

I have many figurative mountains in my life though. One figurative mountain God has placed in front of me is college. I graduated from Mountain State College in Parkersburg WV with an academic associate degree in Dependency Disorder Technology. Since Dependency Disorder Technology is a psychology field I transferred to Ohio Valley University in Parkersburg. many colleges would not accept my credits from Mountain State due to its accreditation. Ohio Valley College had formerly been accredited by the same body so they took a percentage of them. I eventually transferred from Ohio Valley University to Marshall University where I finished my baccalaureate program. I did not earn the psychology degree I started but instead used those credits toward my regent bachelor of arts degree. I graduated that program in December 2019. Now I am enrolled at Regent University in Virginia Beach VA in the Master of Divinity program, Chaplaincy Core. I will graduate hopefully in 2023. This is a mountain for me because I have traumatic brain injury. My skull was fractured and I had a compression fracture to the seventh cervical vertebra in my neck as a result of a car wreck. I was sitting at a stop sign when a man rear-ended me doing close to ninety. If I had not been wearing my seatbelt I would have been killed. The only reason I was not paralyzed as a result of the neck fracture is because there was no spinal cord involvement. Anyway, the head injury makes it difficult for me to learn certain things. I have to focus really hard and usually read the same thing several times for it to sink in. Graduate school will be a challenge to me so it is my figurative mountain. I know I can do this however because I have an ace in the hole. My ace is my friend Holy Spirit. He goes with me everywhere and has seen me through every situation we have ever encountered. If you read my previous post for the 30DBC you see that Holy Spirit gives me strength to do things that should be impossible for me. I climb and clean hundreds of steps on a daily basis. It is not my job to do so. I do it to keep the COVID-19 virus from killing some of the people I live with who have compromised immune systems. I love these guys and Christian love compels me to do the sterilizing daily. Today is Saturday so it won't be done today. Saturday and Sunday are my days off. Chances are good that I will go out later and do it anyway. I did last weekend as well and the one before that. It is a labor of love for me.

image:2098718-33%}Sig for nomineesSignature for finalists in 2018 Quill AwardsSignature for nominees of the 2019 Quill Awards

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/981385-April-18-2020