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The Igloo of Madness. Come for the Crazy, Stay for the Fun!
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#985328 added June 9, 2020 at 9:17am
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First Post. The Story of Your new god :)
Well, it's just after 7 am as I start writing this. Not sure how long it will take me either. I got all these thoughts currently on what I'd like to write here, but I am also in a lot of pain this morning. You see currently I have a hole in my foot. When I say hole, I mean a hole. If you look inside it goes to the bone. I'm 100% serious about this. I am a diabetic, type 1, the fun stick a needle in your stomach kind of diabetic. It's already killed off a lot of my eyesight, caused nerve damage. I come with a poor immune system, sores that take a year to heal, and other fun stuff.

So a few months ago now I developed a bruise on the side of my left foot. Not painful or anything like that, but the damn bruise lasted 3 weeks and wouldn't go away. Little did I know my body was plotting against me. The evil thing, it supposed to be keeping me alive, not trying to kill me. So one day this sore shows up where the bruise had decided to sit and annoy me. Okay no big deal, it's a little sore right? Did some standard wound care on it. Still no biggie. Two days late under the sore, I see there is an actual hole. Gahhhh not again I'm thinking to myself as I clean it and see it's not that deep. I get forced to go to urgent care to make sure there is no infection. Phew, there wasn't one. I get hooked up with the fun stuff of a home care nurse to do my bandages and stuff.

Two weeks later, my first infection hits. It's a mess, antibiotics don't work. The doctor gives me a second Rx of them. No, go. At this point, I don't know if I want to scream or cry. Another trip back to urgent care, and they give me some super strong stuff because it's just not doing anything. Well............. I finished those and they didn't help either. Now I've given up with urgent care. I go to the ER. Er Doc takes one look and starts me on IV treatments daily for the infection. Gets worse, Two weeks later the infection is in the bone. Life I tell you, It's not fair.

Now a month and a half later here I sit, on what is hopefully finally my last week of treatments. I think I might have a nervous breakdown if my x-ray this week shows the infection is still in the bone after what I've been through recently. You see a couple of weeks ago I have a thing called a bone debridement. Which is very I don't know the right word for it, basically the surgeon removes as much of the diseased bone as possible and takes a small margin of healthy bone to ensure that all the infected areas have been removed. Even though my foot was completely frozen I felt all the process. No pain but the yanking and scraping. It was um interesting?

So now that is my current situation happening. I bet that was fun to read about right? I'm sorry for the few minutes of reading that you will never get back, but I did forget a good part to all that, I get a lot of strong pain killers that I don't take often. I got a super high pain threshold thank god, and when I thank god, that just means I'm thanking myself for future reference. Yes, I have a huge ego, or least I like to act as I do. Damn let me be delusional, please!!!

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