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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/987246-The-Bombing-Continues
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #2198921
Norma's Wanderings around a small section of Montana
#987246 added July 4, 2020 at 10:42pm
Restrictions: None
The Bombing Continues
Things were noisy early today. Who starts fireworks on a Saturday at 8AM? Well, I guess children with nothing else to do on the 4th of July in Roundup, Montana. Yep, 8AM the noise started. So no sitting on the porch this morning. We got up later, busied ourselves with breakfast, I soaked in our walk-in tub jacuzzi. One concession I had met when we remodeled our bathroom, I had to have that. Then I made a salad to take to a picnic later. Then we walked to the parade - technically cruise - on Main Street. The official parade was cancelled by the powers that be. So protestors organized a cruise. But at least there were some fire trucks and some horses. It worked.

I then took my mid-day walk around. Everything is where it is supposed to be, all the junk in the yards as usual, all the yards that haven't been mowed for weeks are still growing unchecked, I picked up trash on the street, like I do sometimes. Then I came home, got ready for church and left hubby behind as he pulled up carpet from the room we are remodeling. There is hardwood under the carpet. We will refinish that floor.

After church, we drove south of town to a friends farm for a potluck picnic. She has a great place and we lucked out with no rain. So the church members gathered, we had good food, good talk, the kids ran around, and now I am home.

Yesterday evening there was a rodeo in town. That was fun. There were quite a few in attendance. That was a good thing. I know lots are worried about the virus and all, but we sure do need some fun right now. When we volunteered at the museum yesterday afternoon, we had only 3 visitors, and they were all from out-of-town. And they were there for the rodeo.

As ambassador for SE Montana tourism, the entire state is affected severely by the virus crisis. Montana relies a great deal on tourism dollars. And when no one travels here, we all suffer.

Another wrinkle today - the leader of a writing group I attended sent out an email stating she was going to 'hunker in her bunker' for two weeks after this rodeo was in town. All those strangers in town and all. And oh by the way, another thing she's heard, 'mask it or casket'. Well, this has been a controversy between the two of us for the past two weeks. I feel she is being too fearful and she feels I am not taking this seriously. Besides, the whole writing group is just not a fun thing for me. She demeans the only male member constantly. There is no talk of growth, no discussion of craft. Well, to make a boring story short, I told her I quit the group. I trust in God to take care of me. Hubby and I are following His plan for our lives. That is a concept this person will not listen to, I've tried. So, sayonara. I will now rely on writing.com for writing practice and discussion and reviews more than ever.

Today are birthdays for my son and my daughter-in-law. Amazing that I have two in my family with birthdays on the 4th! Of course, that is of no effect, since one is in Ohio and one is in Virginia. I used to tell my son that he was so special. Everyone in the country celebrated his birthday with a big party and fireworks. That worked for several years until he wised up and figured out it was a national holiday.

We're trying to get some rain right now. I pray this rain increase. Please. Because it will stop the non-stop bombing happening two doors down. *Bomb*

Queen Norma Jean *Crown*

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