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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/989121-You-may-need-a-pen-and-paper-to-keep-track
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #2198921
Norma's Wanderings around a small section of Montana
#989121 added July 25, 2020 at 2:57pm
Restrictions: None
You may need a pen and paper to keep track!

Friday - We’ve had a lot of call outs for the volunteer firefighters, another this afternoon as we sat manning the Museum lobby. Skunked again, by the way. No visitors.

So hubby and I have a theory. It’s dry out there on the prairie. There are a plague of grasshoppers. We think it’s all those hoppers rubbing their legs together - all that friction causing grassfires. So, we think we should line them up, blindfold them and shoot the little buggers. No Miranda act, no second chances. There’ll be a million tomorrow hatching to take their places so no big loss.

Hubby and I worked on the garden last night. We used some Home Defense spray around the perimeter. Kind of like a little boy peeing on a big fire, but, hey, it made us feel better. Then I had a grand idea. Why don’t I catch some and put them in some kind of container full of some liquid? No gasoline, so I used vinegar. So from about a billion (and I do tend to exaggerate a bit, ask hubby) I think I caught twenty or so and plunged them into the acid bath in a mason jar with a lid. They are there still. In the sun. In the 90 degree heat. Hmmmm. I wonder what kind of pickling that would be…….. *Poison* And no, I am not going to try eating them. I don’t think I am that hungry.

I visited with a motel owner yesterday for my SE Montana Tourism duty. He stated that his revenue so far for the year is down $60,000. Horrible. I feel so bad for the tourism industry, and not just for Montana, which relies heavily on tourism dollars, but for the entire world. No one is traveling. Everyone is afraid. Hubby and I are not afraid and we are probably in the minority. We feel that more people die from heart disease and other problems than from this virus. And we are of the age that death does not scare us anymore. In fact, some days, it sounds welcome. And that is not to make light of people’s suffering, or to ignore the pain of those who lost loved ones. But we cannot keep letting this interfere with our lives. We have to let things settle into a new normal, whatever that may be. We have to let fear take a back seat. Because if you let fear drive your life, it will shorten it and make it less OF a life.

Saturday - It’s a wonderful Summer day today. The sky is blue, the temperature is about 80, not bad for a late July Saturday. I slept in. And for once I did sleep a little. I knew I slept because I had a little dream. About a neighborhood girl, Alivia. That’s all I remember of the dream, the girl and her name. She used to come over a lot to play a bit. She used to bring a friend, Ally. They were quite the pair. Alivia always wanted to play with my computer, some game by NatGeo called Animal Jam. *Computer* It was fun. Then Ally always wanted me to sew for her, always a purse.*PurseV* She had the idea and chose the fabrics from my stash and I made the purse. Always a purse. *PurseB* These girls no longer come over, Alivia is older and Ally moved away, something about mom and dad and custody, sad story. Alivia is being raised by grandparents while mother does time for drugs, another sad story.

I rode my wonderful bike today instead of a walk. Down to the fairgrounds and back. It was a nice two mile ride. Then hubby and I consulted on the remodeling project. Slow but sure is the status on that.

Then walking by is a little girl I know from a couple at church, their granddaughter Annabelle. She and her mother just moved into a house down the street owned by the other daughter of Edith and Robert. Now this is another soap opera. You’ll need to make a flow chart for this.*Puzzle2* So Angie with sons, sons are in California to visit father for the summer, are moving to another house that Angie’s boyfriend bought for her in town. Now Angie’s sister is moving into Angie’s house with Annabelle. Angie’s sister, I think her name is Marcie?,that doesn’t matter, is from Big Fork, MT, and has left her boy friend. So now Robert and Edith will have two of their children in town with them. Robert and Edith have two sons also, foster sons they have adopted that are now in Arizona visiting their other son. They should be home in time for school to start. Are you confused yet?

Yes, it’s a wicked world we live in. And a very strange world now as well. Gone are the days when mom and dad and kids all lived together. The family stayed together. At least that was my experience. I know things have gotten so jumbled up, even in my childhood some had bad families and bad childhoods. But recently, oh my.

Well, so far today, no fire signal. We pray the fires are out and no new ones begin. Maybe it will rain, that would be good. *Rain*

I may have a memorial service for my corn and potatoes sometime soon. The plants are looking like a nuclear bomb *Bomb* went off in the garden patch.

Yep, 2020 is getting to be something of a year bury in the refuse pile. Just like my corn *Corn* and potato plants. *Grave*

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