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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/989594-Last-of-Summer-is-Here
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #2198921
Norma's Wanderings around a small section of Montana
#989594 added July 31, 2020 at 12:34pm
Restrictions: None
Last of Summer is Here
It's beautiful on the porch today. Now if it could stay this way all day I'd be a happy camper. *Smile* But it will be hot the weather prognosticators say. But it is July 31st, so okay fine, enjoy it while we can. Soon the wind *Wind* and *Snow4* will be here and then we'll all be moaning and groaning about the cold. So bring on the sun*Sun*.

The other day I got a big surprise. A letter from a little gal that used to live across the alley from us then moved to SC wrote a kind little letter.*MailGr* *NotepadY* It has been about three years or more since she moved, with no contact since two days ago. Emery, curious name for a little girl, used to come over and visit several times in a month. Then she brought her big sister sometimes. I always felt a bit sorry for the two of them. But suddenly mom and dad decided Montana was not the wonderful place they thought it would be, and off they left in a hurry. So I wrote a note back to the little friend in hopes she'll be my penpal now.

The grasshopper saga continues. The little buggers are still chomping and gnawing their way through my garden and flowers. They leisurely chew the potatoes, corn, kale, and yesterday I saw they added a green tomato to the salad bar offering. Rotten little beggars. We go out and catch some and put them in the jar of death, the vinegar bath. But that is like whistling in the wind. *Whistle* *Wind* Ineffective at best. But it makes us feel just a bit better.

So I've decided these are the best ways to get rid of the pests: *Duck* *Chicken* *Poison* *Snow1**PirateShip**Martian**Bomb* *Witch**Cross1*. I've considered all the options over the past few days and decided that the last one is the best one. I've been praying the little green locusts disappear. And they will. First cold weather, they'll be gone.

We just had a visitor, the local artist that helped us in the past with woodwork in our past remodeling projects. He is now going to make the windowsills for the current room we're doing, plus another for the last room in the first floor that we'll tackle in the next year or two. Hubby fretted over this the past few days about how to do these windowsills, he can't do them, the helper we've hired says he 'maybe can' so I suggested we call the artist. Troy is skilled in all things wood, and does a bang-up job. Of course, you have to deal with an artist's sense of time, at the speed of molasses some times, and an artist's price, not cheap, but his work is exceptional. So problem solved. I pray.

Today we volunteer at the museum. Perhaps we'll get some visitors. Maybe not. The virus has posted a victim in our county. The first one since March. And we were doing so well. Darn. Of course, with the way things are reported with this madness, this person could be one of the astronauts on the space station, but if that person lives in Musselshell County, they are listed in our numbers. Strange goings on.

So everyone enjoy the cusp of summer! Here in Montana it is bittersweet. Kids go back to school in a few weeks. The sun will be getting less and less each day. Soon fall will be here and then winter. Hard to think about when it will be 95 degrees today. *HeartG*

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